Create your successful Virtual Assistant business in 6 weeks flat.

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Want to set up a business that allows you to:

  • Pick up your kids every day at 2pm?
  • Go to a workout class 3 days a week?
  • Have extra disposable income without needing to high tail it back to corporate?
  • Take off nights, weekends, holidays and the occasional just-because Thursday?
  • Only work with businesses whose missions make you rah-rah?
  • Support whatever lifestyle you’re daydreaming about?


Sara Hand on Chin

THE START is an expertly crafted course designed to take you from 0 to fully-functioning Virtual Assistant in 6 weeks flat.

I’ve compressed all of the knowledge I’ve gained both running my own 6-figure VA biz AND from coaching women in their own done-for-you businesses.

The best part? THE START can be completed in less than 30 minutes a day and will leave you with cash and clients and a business you can grow for the long-term. Can I get an AMEN?!

Here’s what your 6 weeks look like inside THE START

Week 01

Avoid Future Burnout with a Rock-Solid Biz Foundation

The biggest reason most new entrepreneurs work around the clock is because they didn’t set the proper foundation. In week 1, you’ll…

  • Identify your core, foundational why so that you end up with a business that supports the life you desire (instead of one that runs you!)
  • Decide which superpowers you ALREADY have that you can start getting paid for (hint: these will seriously set you apart from all your business competition)
  • Create a clear, compelling, catchy bio so that it’s stupid easy for potential clients to make a connection with you before you ever talk to them
  • Use a SO THAT statement to tell potential clients who you are, who you serve and what result you help those people achieve (because it’s all about results, baby!)
  • Learn how to name your business so that it both stands the test of time AND feels like your professional home

Week 02

Uncover Your Offerings Even if You Think You Have None

Now that you’re catching the eyes of your first potential clients, here’s where you’ll nail down what you’re gonna get paid for. In week 2, you’ll…

  • Learn the right and wrong way to approach niches (hint: this is HUGE and something most VAs get so wrong)
  • Figure out exactly what offerings the marketplace is looking for right now so that when you officially open up (or re-open up) shop, you’re a perfect match for paying clients
  • Know exactly how to use the skills you ALREADY have to leverage them in your Virtual Assistant business right now
  • Set your virtual business offers that are in alignment with your skills and what business owners are looking for
  • Understand the key to making your offerings work for you so that you end up doing work you love (instead of creating another corporate cubicle where you do work you loathe)
  • Join our first LIVE group coaching call where you’ll get customized support around creating your VA business the right way. I’ll be pushing you towards getting those results ASAP!

Week 03

Nail Down Your Pricing & Packages So You Can Start Getting Paid

After setting up your brand spankin’ new offers, here’s where you’ll nix all the pricing confusion. In week 3, you’ll…

  • Learn what rate you can command as an entry, mid and high level VA in the online marketplace
  • Understand the different pricing models you can adopt in your business (and which one I recommend 90% of the time to my clients because it nets them the most revenue!)
  • Set revenue goals in your business, with steps to smash them every time
  • Nail down your prices and decide on some packages!
  • Put together your first Services One Page (a beautifully designed PDF document you can use to attract clients INSTEAD of a website. Phew right??)
  • Get leads!! Yup, I’ve already shared over 289 leads with the women in my program. And that river isn’t running dry anytime soon!

Week 04

Implement! Rest! And Join Our 2nd Live Group Coaching Call

Now that your offers are out in the world, here’s where you’ll take a break and get caught up! In week 4, you’ll…

  • Revisit any lessons you fell behind on or missed (no shame, it happens – this is why we gave you this week to catch up!)
  • Give yourself the space to work through any stuck points Buckle up for all of the amazing trainings to come around social media and sales calls
  • Buckle up for all of the amazing trainings to come around social media and sales calls
  • Join our second LIVE group coaching call where you’ll get customized support around creating your VA business the right way. I’ll be pushing you towards getting those results ASAP!

Week 05

Get Visible with Your Easy-To-Do Marketing Plan

Now that you have a solid handle on your new Virtual Assistant biz, here’s where you get visible so people can actually hire you! In week 5, you’ll…

  • Pick the right social platforms to get you in front of your ideal audience (and give you the best shot at signing clients)
  • Plan and write YOUR social content the right way so it’s clear to your potential clients
  • Creating a sustainable social marketing strategy (and system) that works, without leaving you burnt out on the content marketing hamster wheel
  • Look like a pro online (learn the rookie mistake that most VAs miss that kills their results)
  • Add additional social platforms to your marketing strategy for max results, when you’re ready (I’ll let you know!)

Week 06

Sell Your Services Without Selling Your Soul

At this point, you’ll likely have your first discovery call in the books!! Here’s where you’ll start converting them into paying clients while expanding your network even more. In week 6, you’ll…

  • Leverage your existing personal and professional network so you can sign more clients
  • Respond to #jobopps posted on social media (correctly!) so you can actually land the client
  • Start managing all of your leads so nobody falls through the cracks
  • Learn how to sell on social media without being sleazy
  • Understand “buying cues” so you know who your leads really are
  • Convert potential clients into paying clients using my proven discovery calls process (and have a killer follow-up process for if they don’t say yes on the call)
  • Join our third LIVE group coaching call where you’ll get even more customized support around creating your VA business the right way before we lovingly send you out in the world to spread your wingsssss and flyyyyyy, baby!


Daily 5-10 minute video trainings that quickly break down each and every necessary step you NEED to take in your business to make it a profitable + successful one

Daily worksheets and resources designed to help you go from “I don’t have the skills” to “Here’s my paid packages” ASAP

Three (3) Live group coaching calls with me and Support Coach Erin to help you work through your stuck points and keep your online business ball rolling straight to the top

Leads sent straight to your inbox to help you get a fast ROI and sign paying clients ASAP

Templates, worksheets & non-fluff exercises, specifically created to make sure your Virtual Assisting business gets off the ground before our 6 weeks are done

A welcome gift from moi in the form of a Starbucks gift card (all ya gotta do is answer a few simple questions to get it!)



Throughout the program, I’ll be dripping out instructions on how to unlock extra goodies like…

BONUS: Sara’s VA Training Bank

12 must-have Bonus Skill Classes to create a profitable Virtual Assisting business with all the chill, and wayyy less panic.

  • Automate Your Virtual Backend: Asana Set-up + Optimization
  • Discovery Call Masterclass
  • Client Onboarding
  • Time Tracking + Invoicing + Late Payment Systems
  • Business Bookkeeping 101
  • Accounting + Taxes
  • Legal 101 with guest expert Sarah from Destination Legal
  • Dubsado Training
  • Mastering Time Management
  • “Identify + Infiltrate” Client-landing Framework
  • Client Boundary Setting Framework
  • Creating a Business that Works As a Special Needs Mom with Kim Astacio-Murphy


Plus a whole bucket of spicy BONUS opportunities once you’re inside…

  • Get Your “So That” Statement Reviewed by Team Sara — this is a must-have line of copy you need to have in your business. We’ll make sure yours is on point. 😉
  • Get Your Social Media Bio Reviewed by Team Sara — yep, you’ll get our time and our eyes, to make sure your social media bios are as searchable and client-attracting as possible
  • Get Your List of Offers Reviewed by Team Sara — kiss all your pricing questions goodbye forevs (ps, we will not tell you to just charge “what feels good” because tbh, what does that even mean??)
  • Join Sara’s Matchmaking list — to get added to Sara’s referral network for the opportunity to be paired with hot leads through Sara’s Matchmaking service
  • Unlimited chances to win a BONUS 1:1 session with Support Coach Erin (once you’re enrolled in the program, you’ll access instructions on how to win!)

And to make super-duper sure you’re handheld the entire way…

Meet Support Coach Erin!

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In 2021, I teamed up with good friend and VA/OBM business owner Erin Leslie.

Over the last 4 years, she’s booked out her word-of-mouth Virtual Assisting biz without a website or social media. And she did it all using THE START framework.

Which is why, you’ll get coaching calls and exclusive hotseat time with her.
Plus, she’s the lifeline for students to email those “Halppp! I’m a bucket-o-nerves, what do I do?” questions that naturally pop-up anytime you’re creating a business.

Yep, she’ll hit reply within 72 hours to answer your SOS.

You’ll get the chance to submit your homework to Erin via THE START course hub at the end of every week for feedback (she gets into the nitty-gritty with you).

Ready To Get Started?





You bet your bippy! Online Business Managers, Social Media Managers, Project Managers, Launch Managers, Podcast Managers and every other done-for-you service provider will learn SO MUCH in THE START.

The program is designed to give you everything you need to build the solid foundations neceddary to create a profitable and balanced service based business.

I can give you the names of 15 students who can all list 21 things they started and stopped, before they found the thing that stuck. I bet, deep down, you knew none of those things were “your thing.”

But they gave you dang good practice. And prepared you for what’s about to come next.

And with what’s coming next, you’ll actually have an easy-to-follow, proven system, and the support of a coach. Bet you didn’t have that last time, did ya?

Which is why the time commitment from you is less than 30 minutes a day.

I literally don’t know of another program that has such a tiny time commitment and can still turn your career around within such a fast time frame. But truthfully? If you can’t commit 30 minutes a day, this business might not be the right fit. But what else would be? Seriously — give me all you’ve got in those 30 minutes and things will shift FAST.

Abso-freaking-lutley. If you’ve started your business but don’t feel 100% solid in your foundation, this is the program for you. Whether you’re a baby newbie or you’ve been in the online biz game for a hot minute, this program will give you a rock solid foundation so that you can grow your business from a place of success, profitability and balance (because isn’t that the point?).

Yup! Here’s the tea with Virtual Assisting. You…

  • get booked out quicker (which means you’re profitable sooner)
  • stay booked out longer because turnover is wayyyy less than other business models

And when you combine those two things, you get a business that’s wildly sustainable long-term. Not to mention we LOVE to send leads to our students. Stick with me, I got you!

You could! But if you’re frantically consuming every “5 Secrets To Some Blah Blah Blah About Virtual Assisting” article — there’s no way you can go from 0 to paying clients in just 6 weeks.

Also, the info you find in Google will be missing something: YOU.

In THE START, I specifically help you create the VA business you want to run (that takes into consideration, your actual priorities). Not many systems will encourage you to put family and free time first like mine does.

Oh, and one small (ok big) problem with those other systems?

They’re missing a super important ingredient: ME!

You’ll get walked through and coached through all of this in a way that no other program is offering. It’s one thing to read someones’ content but to REALLY have a mentor? That’s priceless and the ticket to moving forward FAST.

I could have built the program that way, but what if you don’t want to just work with digital course creators? (which are the skills a lot of those other courses teach).

THE START is designed for you to make money now using whatcha already got. You have so many skills from your past experience that easily transfer into the VA world. Why not start getting paid for those right now, rather than spend your first 4 weeks, learning skills you’re not really interested in?

And honestly? We’ll actually teach you a bunch of new skills, platforms and technologies inside the program because we show you how to set them up for yourself. And once you know how to do it for yourself, well… now you have a new skill you can charge for!

I hear you, but right now what you need is to get expert advice on starting your business ASAP the right way, not input from a bunch of other (well-intentioned but not totally knowledgeable) women who are at the same place as you are. That’s why we purposely DON’T include a Facebook group with THE START.

You don’t need more noise, more questions and more uncertainty (not to mention to be spending your precious time on ANYTHING other than building your mini-empire).

And we’re making it easy for you to put blinders on and get this business going yesterday.

Yep! We offer three (3) LIVE group coaching calls inside THE START. During your hot seat time, it’s all you baby boo.

People use their hot seat for everything from getting my feedback on their list of services and hourly rate to getting support around the fear they have showing up online as a newbie. But no matter how they use it? They say it’s one of the most valuable parts of the program (and the thing NO other program like this offers).

Each week you’ll receive a daily 5-10 minute video training where Sara will quickly break down every necessary step you NEED to take in your business to make it profitable and successful.

In addition to the daily video, you’ll get daily worksheets and resources designed to help you go from idea to reality, ASAP. There are also three (3) LIVE group coaching calls to help you work through your stuck points and keep your online business ball rolling straight to the top. You’ll also get access to client leads AND you’ll have opportunities to unlock new bonuses inside every module just by doing your coursework.

You have lifetime access to ALL the materials and coursework included inside The Start. That means when we make program updates and add new bonus materials, you get those too!

Join Today!


  • Lifetime Access to All 6 Weeks of Content
  • Three (3) Live Coaching Calls With Sara and Support Coach Erin
  • Daily 5-10 Minute Training Videos
  • The Complete START Framework
  • BONUS Priority Access on Sara’s Referral List for 3 Months
  • BONUS Sara’s VA Training Bank With 12 Skill Classes
  • BONUS Mon-Fri Email Access to Support Coach Erin
  • Plus Templates, Bonuses, & Resources to Get Your Business Built From the Ground Up

One Payment


($1997 Total)

Six Payments


($2190 Total)

Twelve Payments


($2220 Total)