Want to set up a business that allows you to:
- Pick up your kids every day at 2pm?
- Go to a workout class 3 days a week?
- Have extra disposable income without needing to high tail it back to corporate?
- Take off nights, weekends, holidays and the occasional just-because Thursday?
- Only work with businesses whose missions make you rah-rah?
- Support whatever lifestyle you’re daydreaming about?

THE START is an expertly crafted course designed to take you from 0 to fully-functioning Virtual Assistant in 6 weeks flat.
I’ve compressed all of the knowledge I’ve gained both running my own 6-figure VA biz AND from coaching women in their own done-for-you businesses.
The best part? THE START can be completed in less than 30 minutes a day and will leave you with cash and clients and a business you can grow for the long-term. Can I get an AMEN?!
Here’s what your 6 weeks look like inside THE START
Week 01
Avoid Future Burnout with a Rock-Solid Biz Foundation
The biggest reason most new entrepreneurs work around the clock is because they didn’t set the proper foundation. In week 1, you’ll…
- Identify your core, foundational why so that you end up with a business that supports the life you desire (instead of one that runs you!)
- Decide which superpowers you ALREADY have that you can start getting paid for (hint: these will seriously set you apart from all your business competition)
- Create a clear, compelling, catchy bio so that it’s stupid easy for potential clients to make a connection with you before you ever talk to them
- Use a SO THAT statement to tell potential clients who you are, who you serve and what result you help those people achieve (because it’s all about results, baby!)
- Learn how to name your business so that it both stands the test of time AND feels like your professional home

Week 02
Uncover Your Offerings Even if You Think You Have None
Now that you’re catching the eyes of your first potential clients, here’s where you’ll nail down what you’re gonna get paid for. In week 2, you’ll…
- Learn the right and wrong way to approach niches (hint: this is HUGE and something most VAs get so wrong)
- Figure out exactly what offerings the marketplace is looking for right now so that when you officially open up (or re-open up) shop, you’re a perfect match for paying clients
- Know exactly how to use the skills you ALREADY have to leverage them in your Virtual Assistant business right now
- Set your virtual business offers that are in alignment with your skills and what business owners are looking for
- Understand the key to making your offerings work for you so that you end up doing work you love (instead of creating another corporate cubicle where you do work you loathe)
- Join our first LIVE group coaching call where you’ll get customized support around creating your VA business the right way. I’ll be pushing you towards getting those results ASAP!
Week 03
Nail Down Your Pricing & Packages So You Can Start Getting Paid
After setting up your brand spankin’ new offers, here’s where you’ll nix all the pricing confusion. In week 3, you’ll…
- Learn what rate you can command as an entry, mid and high level VA in the online marketplace
- Understand the different pricing models you can adopt in your business (and which one I recommend 90% of the time to my clients because it nets them the most revenue!)
- Set revenue goals in your business, with steps to smash them every time
- Nail down your prices and decide on some packages!
- Put together your first Services One Page (a beautifully designed PDF document you can use to attract clients INSTEAD of a website. Phew right??)
- Get leads!! Yup, I’ve already shared over 289 leads with the women in my program. And that river isn’t running dry anytime soon!

Week 04
Implement! Rest! And Join Our 2nd Live Group Coaching Call
Now that your offers are out in the world, here’s where you’ll take a break and get caught up! In week 4, you’ll…
- Revisit any lessons you fell behind on or missed (no shame, it happens – this is why we gave you this week to catch up!)
- Give yourself the space to work through any stuck points Buckle up for all of the amazing trainings to come around social media and sales calls
- Buckle up for all of the amazing trainings to come around social media and sales calls
- Join our second LIVE group coaching call where you’ll get customized support around creating your VA business the right way. I’ll be pushing you towards getting those results ASAP!
Week 05
Get Visible with Your Easy-To-Do Marketing Plan
Now that you have a solid handle on your new Virtual Assistant biz, here’s where you get visible so people can actually hire you! In week 5, you’ll…
- Pick the right social platforms to get you in front of your ideal audience (and give you the best shot at signing clients)
- Plan and write YOUR social content the right way so it’s clear to your potential clients
- Creating a sustainable social marketing strategy (and system) that works, without leaving you burnt out on the content marketing hamster wheel
- Look like a pro online (learn the rookie mistake that most VAs miss that kills their results)
- Add additional social platforms to your marketing strategy for max results, when you’re ready (I’ll let you know!)

Week 06
Sell Your Services Without Selling Your Soul
At this point, you’ll likely have your first discovery call in the books!! Here’s where you’ll start converting them into paying clients while expanding your network even more. In week 6, you’ll…
- Leverage your existing personal and professional network so you can sign more clients
- Respond to #jobopps posted on social media (correctly!) so you can actually land the client
- Start managing all of your leads so nobody falls through the cracks
- Learn how to sell on social media without being sleazy
- Understand “buying cues” so you know who your leads really are
- Convert potential clients into paying clients using my proven discovery calls process (and have a killer follow-up process for if they don’t say yes on the call)
- Join our third LIVE group coaching call where you’ll get even more customized support around creating your VA business the right way before we lovingly send you out in the world to spread your wingsssss and flyyyyyy, baby!

Daily 5-10 minute video trainings that quickly break down each and every necessary step you NEED to take in your business to make it a profitable + successful one
Daily worksheets and resources designed to help you go from “I don’t have the skills” to “Here’s my paid packages” ASAP
Three (3) Live group coaching calls with me and Support Coach Erin to help you work through your stuck points and keep your online business ball rolling straight to the top
Leads sent straight to your inbox to help you get a fast ROI and sign paying clients ASAP
Templates, worksheets & non-fluff exercises, specifically created to make sure your Virtual Assisting business gets off the ground before our 6 weeks are done
A welcome gift from moi in the form of a Starbucks gift card (all ya gotta do is answer a few simple questions to get it!)
Throughout the program, I’ll be dripping out instructions on how to unlock extra goodies like…
BONUS: Sara’s VA Training Bank
12 must-have Bonus Skill Classes to create a profitable Virtual Assisting business with all the chill, and wayyy less panic.
- Automate Your Virtual Backend: Asana Set-up + Optimization
- Discovery Call Masterclass
- Client Onboarding
- Time Tracking + Invoicing + Late Payment Systems
- Business Bookkeeping 101
- Accounting + Taxes
- Legal 101 with guest expert Sarah from Destination Legal
- Dubsado Training
- Mastering Time Management
- “Identify + Infiltrate” Client-landing Framework
- Client Boundary Setting Framework
- Creating a Business that Works As a Special Needs Mom with Kim Astacio-Murphy
Plus a whole bucket of spicy BONUS opportunities once you’re inside…
- Get Your “So That” Statement Reviewed by Team Sara — this is a must-have line of copy you need to have in your business. We’ll make sure yours is on point. 😉
- Get Your Social Media Bio Reviewed by Team Sara — yep, you’ll get our time and our eyes, to make sure your social media bios are as searchable and client-attracting as possible
- Get Your List of Offers Reviewed by Team Sara — kiss all your pricing questions goodbye forevs (ps, we will not tell you to just charge “what feels good” because tbh, what does that even mean??)
- Join Sara’s Matchmaking list — to get added to Sara’s referral network for the opportunity to be paired with hot leads through Sara’s Matchmaking service
- Unlimited chances to win a BONUS 1:1 session with Support Coach Erin (once you’re enrolled in the program, you’ll access instructions on how to win!)

And to make super-duper sure you’re handheld the entire way…
Meet Support Coach Erin!

In 2021, I teamed up with good friend and VA/OBM business owner Erin Leslie.
Over the last 4 years, she’s booked out her word-of-mouth Virtual Assisting biz without a website or social media. And she did it all using THE START framework.
Which is why, you’ll get coaching calls and exclusive hotseat time with her.
Plus, she’s the lifeline for students to email those “Halppp! I’m a bucket-o-nerves, what do I do?” questions that naturally pop-up anytime you’re creating a business.
Yep, she’ll hit reply within 72 hours to answer your SOS.
You’ll get the chance to submit your homework to Erin via THE START course hub at the end of every week for feedback (she gets into the nitty-gritty with you).
Ready To Get Started?

I was a busy Mom of 3 with a 4th on the way. I went into my maternity leave, having made $8,000 in my business. I came out of maternity leave, signing 3 clients & then continued to grow.
I ended up making $25,000 in the last 6 months of 2020 alone.
Essentially I 3x’d my income within 6 months of working with Sara. During a global pandemic!

I loved that The Start was broken down into digestible information and daily to-dos. I could feel it build as the program continued through the six weeks and appreciated that by doing it this way, it also built up my confidence along the way. I loved the group coaching calls.
It was great to have that kind of connection and community with other like-minded women who are on the same journey!
After completing the course, I am now obsessed with Asana and Dubsado and have amazing templates to use as I start my own business. I didn’t have a business before I began The Start, but it truly gave me the push, knowledge and confidence to START!

Working with Sara is life-changing. Not only was it an amazing investment for the success of my business but working with her has made me a better human.
Now I have a dream OBM Agency with dream clients and a dream team, two courses, mentoring clients, AND a high level launch package support. It’s really unimaginable what can happen in just a year.
I went from $0 to $23k months in under a year (projecting my first $30k month within the next 3months) and raised my prices from basically near minimum wage to booking premium clients and packages. I’ve really learned that I don’t have to work with just everyone, and I get to PICK the people who I want to support, and build my business on my own terms!
Working with Sara changed everything for me and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Working with Sara is the best investment I’ve ever made in my business (and at the time, the first!).
She has shown so much support for myself and my business from day one. After working with Sara I’m now able to step out of an employee mindset and into an entrepreneur mindset. I’m able to give myself breaks during the day, take days off without things blowing up, and with her, I feel like there’s no limit to how much I can grow my business.
When I first started working with Sara I had been saying that I wanted to quit my job for 2 years but I was still making consistent 1-2K months and I knew that wasn’t sustainable to live off of. I came to Sara with the goal of doubling my 9-5 salary which I was able to do in 7 months. I started working with Sara in August and was able to quit my job in December. I NEVER worry about where my next lead is going to come from and I’ve been asked to be a featured speaker multiple times now to teach others. Sara also helped me launch my course and gave me all the knowledge and information I needed to do so to launch for the first time and right now I have 64 people on the waitlist!
Sara is the best human on this earth and I adore here. She’s one of the most kind, passionate, knowledgeable people I’ve ever met. She changed my business, she helped me be confident, she taught me how to position myself as an expert, she’s supportive in every way, she always has a solution or answer for every question. She is by far the best mentor I could have ever asked for and I plan to work with her for as long as possible.

My confidence level was pretty low before my work with Sara. Intellectually, I thought I could make my business a success but I didn’t actually feel it in my soul. Now I know that I am in charge of my life and my business. Golden!
My client base has grown and I feel much more confident in making impactful decisions around my business.
I actually TRIPLED my monthly income in the month I worked with Sara! You can’t beat the ROI!
Sara is very real in a world where this quality is so rare. Working with Sara feels like chatting with your best friend, you’re incredibly knowledgable, uber caring, no BS best friend. She shares her knowledge in such a way that it is accessible and digestible.
Sara is an incredibly generous soul who makes you feel special and valued. I certainly hope to take on these qualities and pass them along as well to the people I encounter. Thank you for shining your light, Sara!

Working with Sara is life-changing. Not only was it an amazing investment for the success of my business but working with her has made me a better human.
Sara’s knowledge, motivation, wisdom, and connections helped me to book out my VA services in the first 5 weeks.
She’s mentored me for 7 weeks and I already want to cry thinking about what’s going to happen when the four months is up.
Working with Sara was HANDS DOWN the best investment I could have made for myself + my business.
Sara’s mentoring has played an integral role in making my dreams of retiring from my 9-5 and working from home on my terms a reality. And she helped make these dreams happen in weeks, not years!

What I loved most about working with Sara was the confidence she had in me and my business! She was my biggest cheerleader and supporter as I got my business off the ground and discovered what the online business world was all about.
During my time with Sara, I went from having 1 client to being basically booked out.I went from making a few hundred dollars a month to consistent 2K months with room to grow and make more.
She also taught me how pitch myself to prospective clients and nail discovery calls with ease.
Sara has helped me to see that I am so much more than I can gave myself credit for. I learned so many invaluable skills and tools from her that I know I can implement in both my business and life in general.
I would hands down recommend Sara to any other service provider. She has been a great mentor and anyone can benefit from her and coaching!

Sara was so motivating! She completely (positively) changed my mindset about my business and enabled me to see our potential. She understood exactly what I needed support with and saw opportunities for growth where I didn’t.
Since working with Sara only three months ago, my team of two full-time VAs is completely booked out!
She changed our marketing strategy and helped us approach marketing as business owners instead of employees. Life-changing!
Mentoring sessions with her feel so easy and comfortable — you’re just talking to a friend who is going to help you level up in your biz!

Sara is SO easy to talk to! I was a little lost and had reached a point in my business where I had no idea if anything I was doing was right or what the next steps were – and when I started I was a little nervous and I felt almost embarrassed to have lost control of my own business, but within minutes of talking to her, I knew I could come to her with any problem I was having in my business, no matter how bizarre I thought it was.
After 6 months of working with Sara, I more than doubled my income AND in the middle of a pandemic, at that! I realized what clients were right for me, and which ones weren’t, and my entire roster changed to reflect absolute alignment.
I realized that running a business is a little scary by nature, and that the hurdles I experienced were so totally normal, but learning how to move through them instead of panicking, inaction, or burying myself in research or information is a mindset hack that will continue to be invaluable as my business evolves and grows. Thanks to Sara’s guidance, I now know my value, know exactly what my zone-of-genius is, who and how I serve best. My boundaries were non-existent at the time, and are now non-negotiable in my business running as smoothly as possible and at the same time, keeping me sane!

When I came to Sara I was making *maybe* $800-$1000 a month… Now, 6 months later I am bringing in $6,800 a month with ease and grace surrounded with dreamy clients! While a metric F ton of work went into this on my end I don’t believe I would have had the sheer confidence to make this happen on my own!
I was scared as actual F to invest in myself in this way. Literally stalked her online for MONTHS before being unable to NOT click that button.
I am so so so so happy that I made the move, she helped me to create the beginnings of a business that is and will continue to provide my daughter and I with all we would need.
It’s a completely new business. It’s a new life. There would never be enough space to describe how she’s impacted me.

Sara’s infectious energy, encouragement and her ability to balance strategy and impactful mindset work truly make her a one of a kind mentor. Working with Sara feels like you have someone solidly in your corner cheering you on and making you feel like the best possible version of yourself. She has a beautiful way of leading you to follow your heart without being pushy and guiding you to your truth but making you think it was you all along (even though she plays a big part in it!)
Sara supported me through booking out my capacity for VA work, building a team and then through a major pivot from virtual assisting to web design. Along the way, I was able to hit my highest income months and made them my new normal.
She helped me to become super confident in my discovery call process and sign clients easily.
My business (and life) are completely changed for the better by working with Sara. She has been the biggest cheerleader every step of the way and has truly become a lifelong friend.

While working with Sara I booked out my client schedule, landed 3 podcast interviews, and built a solid strategy for finding and landing both media features and new clients!
I generally just loved working with Sara. Her confidence is such a helpful motivator and makes me feel more confident in myself and to stand strong in my value and own my sh*t. The work we did together helped me in so many ways but surprisingly it really helped my confidence as well.
My business is set up in a place where I can confidently go after the people I want to work with. Previously I was a bit at a loss as to how I would find new clients because the strategies I had were going after the wrong people where now I know where and how to find my ideal clients which is so priceless!

When I started working with Sara, I felt like my business was owning me, not the freedom business we all dream of lol. I thought there was only ONE WAY to scale my business. Together with Sara, I not only discovered what felt in alignment with my values, what clients I wanted to work with and how I wanted to show up in my business, but I also built the confidence to charge what I’m worth, to set boundaries and to say no to projects or clients that don’t feel like the right fit.
Over the last six months working with Sara, I was able to scale to my highest month in business (>8k with no team!), I’m working with my absolute dream clients and I get to spend my afternoons hiking, on my SUP or just reading a book!

Starting a business is a daunting task with a never ending list of to-dos, but Sara was able to help me prioritize and focus on the things that would truly make a positive impact on my business bottom line.
I booked 7 discovery calls within 2 weeks of working together, exceeded my financial goals for my first month of business, was booked out by my second month of business and hired my first team member by month 4!
Besides being fully booked, I have honed my offerings so that I’m doing the work I WANT to be doing in the WAY that I want to work. Sara was able to help me define and set clear boundaries for my business and remind me that it was OK to say no to potential clients that didn’t respect those boundaries. She was like my own personal cheerleader rooting for me at every step of the way!
Working with Sara was the best investment I’ve made for my business.

What I loved most about working with Sara was that she provided step by step guidance when you need it and always listens to your issue or problem before providing a suggestion.
In working with Sara, I went from 0 clients and just an idea to 7 clients and 5k months.
Sara helped me understand that I am worthy of running a business and having clients.

I loved Sara’s authenticity, integrity, her professionalism and her level of knowledge. She always knew how much to push me.
I reached my £3k/month goal in our last month of working together and I now have a team of VAs. Sara helped me start planning a new program that I am launching this year and I am very excited about it.
I feel more confident in my abilities. Sara helped me feel that I can achieve everything I set my mind to in a shorter period of time than I would have if I had done it all on my own.

I loved working with Sara because she will 100% support you in whatever crazy dream you have and make sure you get there without sacrificing your life (keeping you in check so you don’t burn out) and is there to direct you in the best way that aligns with your goals.
Within the first 3 months of working with Sara, I had a booked out business and constantly have stayed booked out now for 8+ months.
When I first started, I was bringing in around $1600-2k a month with only a few clients who were not ideal, and a year later I have a booked out business with dream clients and I am bringing in $8-10k months. I have easily hired multiple team members so I do not always have to be working in my business.
My business has completely evolved from who I first thought was my ideal client to the clients that showed up wanting my help and turning into dream people I get to work with everyday. I now stay booked out and get to pivot the way I am growing my business with it all being on my own time.

I loved how Sara looked at me as a whole. In coaching and helping me make decisions Sara always thought about what was right for me, not just the business. She helped me to be kind to myself and create more boundaries between work and home life.
Sara helped me to create boundaries in my business that meant I could show up at my highest level for my clients without feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. As a result my home life is better because I can be truly present at home with my family.
Before working with Sara I was on the road to burn out, now I have a business I love.

Sara is a perfect blend of mindset + business savvy! She’s experienced as both a service provider and a coach – she’s done what I’m doing and trying to do, so I know I’m getting advice and perspective from a true expert!
She’s freakin’ efficient during coaching calls and can easily identify and communicate what she’s seeing.
I feel more confident and clear in what I offer and how I can support others. I feel more confident in marketing myself and telling people why I’m amazing and they need me in their business.
I am so happy that I finally invested time and energy to work with Sara!

Working with Sara really allowed me make a decision to redesign my business by offering less services as VA zoning in on what I love doing, spending more time taking care of myself (quitting all the things), owning my value and gaining confidence that I know that I’m doing (and probably more).
I booked out my services and redesigned my business to only do the things I love doing! I have narrowed by services down to one offering and I’m working on finishing up a course that will allow me to work with less clients one to one but serve more with all that I know.
I loved that my time with Sara was a no non-sense fluff time but a deep dive into my business – what was working, what wasn’t, what I really wanted, and solid action steps to make it happen. Not only is Sara passionate about what she does but she truly wants you to succeed and create a business that you love.

The amount of personal development that happened working with Sara still BLOWS my mind. I am more confident, more in tuned with myself and what I need both physically and emotionally!
I LOVED that every call I knew I would be getting her honest input even if it is not what I wanted to hear, she pushes you to be the best/happiest version of yourself personally and professionally which makes a MAJOR impact on how well your business functions and the results you see.
I am extremely happy with where I am at with my mindset and that does amazing things for my family life and my business.
Anyone considering working with Sara is definitely doing themselves a disservice by not taking that plunge!

When I started working with Sara, I was overwhelmed and burning out. I had a full client load, but I was working all the time and truthfully, not all of my clients were a great match.
Since working with Sara, I was able to let some clients go and book out with dream clients.
I love how Sara focuses on celebration. I’m very much goal-oriented, and so this was new to me, but I love bringing celebration into every step forward! I’m also grateful for the work we did on boundaries. I’m a recovering people-pleaser, but I feel more confident in saying no when a request just isn’t possible or saying yes with some boundaries in place.
In my time working with Sara I got booked out, learned to let go of less-than-ideal clients, and got booked out again. I’ve already made twice as much in the first three quarters of 2020 as I did in all of 2019. Sara also helped a lot with time management and helping me to set up my schedule so I’m no longer working all of the time.

I LOVED Sara’s coaching style. She was willing to sit and write content with me, strategically plan out my business and talk me through my mindset blocks. Sara really cares about her clients and the work she does. I think her integrity and wisdom were the things I loved most about working with Sara. She was someone I could lean on and trust.
I grew my following to over 500+ ideal clients with help from Sara’s recommendations.
She also helped me pivot from OBM, what I thought was the next step for my VA biz to what truly LIGHTS me up, coaching other VA’s, SMMs, & Other service providers.
I now feel WAAAAY more confident in my business after working with Sara!

What I love most about working with Sara is her positive attitude + unwavering support. She’s been my biggest cheerleader, sister, friend and mentor. She is always ready with ways to solve the many issues that arise when starting a new business. She is a wealth of knowledge + she actually cares about her clients.
My income grew directly from working with Sara. She helped me nail discovery calls + close clients. She introduced me to a network of great women who in turn hired me.
Sara provided me with amazing support that gave me the confidence I hadn’t felt in years. She helped me see my own self-worth.

I actually created a business from ground zero with The Start! I officially have a name and a package of services to offer & it’s really exciting!
I liked how the information was given each week in manageable increments. A lot of VA’s starting out have other full time jobs, careers and families. The Start’s 6 week course was the perfect amount of time to implement each lesson, leaving you feeling accomplished and motivated to continue!
During The Start I actually had 2 discovery calls and booked a client! The Start has given me the confidence to sell my services, believe in my value & go out there and get it!

This program will give you everything you need to get started as a Virtual Assistant ASAP.
During The Start, I became more confident in pitching myself because I felt like my business was real. Because of that, I booked a paying client while I was still in the program.
My plan was to use the tools I learned in the program to set myself up for success from the beginning and make this business my full-time career.
Within a month of finishing the program, I officially left my 9-5.
And now just 6 short months after beginning The Start I have a booked out roster of clients, just had my biggest month in business yet at $8K and have Discovery Calls still rolling in. I’m in the process of hiring my first intern to keep my business running while I’m on maternity leave.
I am so glad I decided to start my VA business with the support of The Start and 100% recommend it to everyone I know.

I love how The Start makes you feel totally equipped and ready to start your virtual business. Sara gives you all the tools and makes it really simple to understand and get started. As a stay-at-home-mom of two, I didn’t think I’d be able to build a business for a long time. But Sara helped me see that I can still have a ton of time to dedicate to my little ones and build a business I love. Sara has a ton of experience in this field and is completely honest about what worked and what didn’t work for her. She keeps it real and it’s refreshing. I know I can trust her advice.
When I began The Start, I had one client- my husband! And now, four months later, I have a full roster of amazing clients I love to work with, I’m hitting consistent $5k months working part time hours, and spending lots of quality time with my kiddos.
The Start gave me all the tools to build my business and confidently reach out to prospects and create sales. Sara helps you start your business AND scale it in a healthy way. She sets you up with important guidelines around boundaries, price increases, referrals and so much more than what I had signed up for. I’m so happy I invested in this program. It’s been a game changer for me!

Sara’s lessons were GOLD to me, they were short and sweet and packed with so much value.
Now after putting everything into practice, I’m booked out, only working 10 hours a week with super aligned clients and I’m starting college this month!

The Start gives you confidence to build a business that works for you. Sara is clear every step of the way that you can build your business any way you want while at the same time offering valuable information around industry standards and best practices that she knows first hand will land you results. This creates the perfect balance to show up boldly for yourself in a way that feels good and confidence that you are building a sustainable + profitable business. Sara does an amazing job of breaking down the steps you need to start your done-for-you service based business into simple, actionable pieces. The daily emails help keep you accountable and showing up daily for yourself and your business so you can move your business forward quickly and with ease.
Before beginning The Start, I had no business. No clients, no packages, no idea what services I was even going to offer.
After going through the program I now have a suite of service offerings, monthly recurring revenue and leads coming in every week. I had multiple discovery calls and signed my first client, all before even finishing the program. I think the most valuable piece of The Start is the warm leads through Sara’s matchmaking service.
When those emails pop into your inbox, shit gets real! It brings your business to life instantly and gives you the opportunity to see what you have been working to create in action.
If you are looking to start a done-for-you service based business and don’t know where to start, this is the program you want to be in.

The Start helped me to build a foundation for my business but also helped me learn all the details along the way. I have a better understanding of what it takes to work and a plan to develop what I need to grow my business.
Thanks to The Start I have booked my first official VA role!

The Start is easy to digest and it didn’t feel overwhelming. While working a FT job, it’s hard to also work on your business. The actionable items fit perfectly in my daily schedule. In the weeks where I fell behind a bit, I was able to catch up on the weekend and prepare for the next week.
The Start helped me to see that I was standing in my own way in several areas. We often make things harder as entrepreneurs because we want to do what everyone else is doing. It is important to create our own processes, which Sara helped to guide us in doing through this program.
I would recommend The Start to those who made the decision to become a done-for-you service provider. It helps to build a solid foundation in the overwhelming world of information available. It’s a program I wish I would’ve had at the start of my journey.

While in The Start program I realized that I was charging too low for my done for you services.
Sara provided templates for us to literally explore our reservoirs of skills, experience, and passions. With this information, I was able to formulate high-ticket service offerings that brought in ideal clients that had no problem paying top tier rates.
I can say without hesitation that Sara has a way of empowering you with both information and motivation. If you take The Start you’re literally handed the tools to have a successful done-for-you service, but often the mind-fog gets in the way of you actually succeeding or even executing. Sara (The Start) debunks the limiting myths that we so often tell ourselves and empowers us with tools to “see it” for ourselves. While I’m grateful for the content, I’m most grateful that I now have the absolute confidence that I can have a very successful done-for-you service that works for me completely.

Since participating in The Start, I have shifted from VA to OBM and finally have my business right where I want it! Sara’s guidance and support throughout her program helped me realize my business was not set up to give me the true flexibility I wanted for myself and my family.
I got rid of the energy draining clients, changed my mindset, focused on what I enjoy doing and not just what I thought clients needed. I increased my monthly retainer and kicked hourly work out the door!
More money in my pocket, quality clients who respect my boundaries and treat me as an equal but more importantly I’ve grown exponentially as a business owner and women balancing work and family life.

During The Start, I went from feeling overwhelmed to motivated.
Sara really helped me get clarity on my purpose as a VA, and what I wanted to do with my business. I learned that it is possible to live and stick to boundaries that help me enjoy my job everyday. I loved the encouragement and would absolutely recommend The Start!

The Start provided me the confidence I needed to build a strong foundation for my business.
I was able to create a bio that sounds confident, personal, and explains how I can assist a business owner with back-end support. I would definitely recommend The Start to others!

My business was nothing more than an idea when the Start started. I now have a budding IG profile, am actively positing, and am actively seeking out potential leads in order to grow my business. The Start has given me the confidence to know I can do this, as well as tips on making calls, getting and cultivating leads, and selling my services. I’ve also had a few leads that I’ve gotten due to being in The Start, two discovery calls to date, and I have another discovery call next week.
I have four clients now and another prospect about to sign up.
Another thing I loved about The Start was the flexibility. Everyday at 6 AM I knew to expect an email that I could read when I woke up or whenever I chose to. The emails were easy to read and videos were easy to watch. I would definitely recommend The Start to others wanting to start and grow their VA businesses.

I’ve been a VA and OBM since 2013, but for various reasons, I was lucky enough to have several long term, referred clients so I never had to market myself. When I found myself with an opening for a new client, I didn’t really know how to start looking for one. The Start was exactly what I needed to grow my social media presence and solidify my confidence when it comes to reaching out to potential clients and providing immediate value in those early conversations. I am now spending more time taking care of the things MY business needs rather than just doing my client work and hoping for the best. What is watered grows, but I had not been watering my business. I didn’t know how to do that effectively and I have an actual plan that I can execute now.
The Start takes a topic that feels big and vague and slightly scary (starting my own online service provider business) and turns it into daily, bite-sized steps you can take to make real progress and put yourself out there.
One of my favorite things about Sara and this program is that she is endlessly encouraging and supportive. She gives you all the information you need, and answers questions before you think to ask them.

What I loved the most about The Start was the constant support and feedback Sara gave to me and the others. She is extremely knowledgeable and the worksheets she had us do were extremely helpful!
Since The Start I have signed a new client in the pet industry, been able to come up with social media post caption ideas, understand how to price my packages, and I am more confident when pitching my business.

The Start gave me the confidence to jump into this online world to serve more clients. It also allowed me to see the value I bring to my current niche group and how to capitalize on that.
I feel more organized and ready to build this business. I loved all the templates Sara provided for her Start members. Each of the templates served a purpose and helped with building the foundation for a business.
Sara was so generous to even give her Start members the opportunity to be involved in her lead matching service. This allowed me to receive more discovery calls. I also was able to build out a retainer model to help capture a steady income from all new clients.
The Start was a great beginning for me as I was new to the online space. After meeting Sara and experiencing her passion for coaching and mentoring I decided to sign on for her 6 month mentoring program. Sara really cares about each of her clients.

What I loved about The Start was that Sara broke everything down into bite-sized pieces making it easy to follow and digest. The daily emails allowed me to concentrate on one thing at a time and the group coaching calls were gold!
Before The Start I was overwhelmed, but The Start helped me improve the foundation of my business and feel more confident bringing on clients.

The Start truly helped lay the foundation for my business. I had already been in business for over a year, but The Start showed me all of the things I had skipped and needed to revisit. Sara feels like a true friend and her guidance was invaluable!!
Since participating in The Start, I have a streamlined onboarding process, a clear social media strategy, clarity on my service offerings, and a renewed sense of confidence in and passion for the business I am creating. I also have a new client signed from the matchmaking service!
Sara teaches that as long as we take action- even when it’s messy- we have the power to create the life and business of our dreams. My business is now a well oiled machine! I am no longer stumbling through but rather proceeding with full confidence! I LOVE Sara and this program. My business is forever changed!

Honestly, I loved everything about The Start! I feel like I’ve learned so much. Not only about tips, tricks and tools I had no idea about, but also things I thought I was well versed in and Sara was able to showcase it in a new way I hadn’t quite learned yet. I feel like I have the confidence to really put myself out there now.
Since The Start, I’ve seen social media growth and was able to conduct my first few discovery calls with REAL POTENTIAL CLIENTS (not just friends) because I now know how to position myself on social media as an expert, rather than an imposter.
I also now know what I have to do to revamp my website in order to meet my goals: offer only services I’m PASSIONATE about, price accordingly and show up where my ideal client is.
Sara provided such valuable information and genuinely connected with her students. That was the biggest reason I chose to do The Start over many other trainings. I felt as though Sara was real and I LOVED that she took the time to personally reach out and talk to her audience/students on a 1:1 level! That’s VERY important. I was able to Like, Know and Trust her from The Start (pun intended).

I loved the pace of The Start and how it provided me with all the steps to get my business started from the ground up. My confidence has completely taken off from this program. I have been able to reach out to potential clients and have all the tools to do so. Since The Start I’ve had multiple leads for potential clients, I have booked a client, and my social media presence is more consistent and on target for my brand.
I truly valued the knowledge from Sara and knowing I had someone to support me and answer questions. I 100% will always recommend this program to others.
It is worth all the time, money and effort.

I love that The Start was fed to me in tiny, easy-to-digest bits. It forced me to do things that were outside of my comfort zone, things I had LONG been putting off.
Prior to The Start, I didn’t really have a direction. I was kind of a web design studio but I also did some video editing, etc. Now I have documents I can send to clients and a social media strategy. My Instagram following has increased by nearly 50% since I began!
I have only made two new posts (albeit, many stories) during this time so I’m pretty stoked about that. I have also transitioned all of my clients from project-based to hourly.
Connecting with Sara, and the other girls in the program, was just amazing. Running a business on your own can be so isolating, but having correspondence with everyone has been so reassuring.

From The Start (pun intended) I felt like a complete rock-star. The lessons were so detailed and practical that I couldn’t believe that I had waited so long to start. I acquired so much knowledge and confidence to reach out to clients and to be confident in my skills. The support from Sara is AMAZING!
Before The Start, I thought it would be months before I was ready to “Launch” but this program equips you from the first day.
I was able to start marketing and reaching out to potential clients while still completing lessons, and now I actually have a business!
Not only do I recommend The Start, I think it’s a necessary course for everyone interested in the done-for-you space!

I am giving The Start a 5 star rating and a round of applause. I can’t stop ranting and raving about this course. Everything was incredible, from the course layout & delivery, the homework assignments and added bonuses – Sara knocked this out of the park! As a working mom of two little ones, I found it easy to incorporate these bite sized lessons into my daily routine! I entered this course doubtful and walked away confident and ready to take on the world!
During The Start, I booked 2 clients and in the final week of the course, I had 2 discovery calls! The Start gave me a confidence boost that I desperately needed.
Today, I am not afraid to put my name out there and just do it. I went from an aspirant to achiever! When I began this program, I had nothing. Today, my business has a name, service offerings and most importantly clients.
Working in a corporate environment has made me tense and uptight. I was always afraid to make mistakes. One takeaway that I’ve learned from this course is that it’s okay to relax. I’m going to make mistakes, I may not know everything and guess what – it’s okay! The answers can be found in a book or perhaps in Google search or on a YouTube video, LOL. When it comes to my business, I just need to be the best version of me and provide outstanding support to my clients.
Sara did her thing!! Kudos to her for taking the leap and leaving her 9 to 5 to her dream business while working from home. She has mastered it and is now teaching other men/women to master it as well and I love Sara for that!!! I highly recommend this course to friends and family members who want to create their dream business by working from home.

The Start is amazing! I know because I took the leap to control my own destiny, and 6 weeks later, I am here to say… it works! Sara made it easy with her day to day lessons that could be completed in under 30 minutes! Each lesson was a stepping stone to the next one and you never felt overwhelmed.
Before The Start I had no business, and now I have my own LLC already registered and I booked my first client before the program was even over.
I learned how valuable I am with the knowledge and experience I already had, but I also gained a ton of knowledge through the program! I have more confidence and value myself as a businesswoman more than ever before!
Sara is the most amazing coach & mentor…and she is there for you every step of the way.

When I signed up for The Start, I was just shy of my 2 year Business Anniversary & I had ZERO motivation or want to push forward. My inbox was quiet. I was giving bare minimum. The Start not only pushed me forward in momentum, but it rekindled the LOVE I have for what I do & gave me the confidence to not only market myself successfully, but to also show up as myself & as the expert on Discovery Calls.
The amount of value Sara provides in the six weeks of this program is AMAZING and I loved the amount of confidence I gained in myself & my business. Hello SOLID FOUNDATION & BOUNDARIES.
During The Start, had 2 Discovery Calls (my booking calendar was nothing but crickets for MONTHS beforehand), of those 2 Calls, I signed a new monthly retainer client.
The Start is packed full of value, but it’s not overwhelming or hard to digest. Sara keeps it short & sweet, but to the absolute point, which is much appreciated!

I love how approachable The Start is. When going through the program, I didn’t feel overwhelmed, and the support is so obvious and genuine from the very beginning.
Since completing The Start, I’ve booked three new clients, and I’m in touch with several additional leads. I also feel like I have a solid base to grow my business from, even if I decide to make changes later on.
My Services One Sheet is so much better looking now than my first attempt at one too! I truly feel so much more confident and at ease about building my client roster and reaching my goals.

The Start really helped with my confidence. Sara helped me realize that I truly offer a high level service, and that I can charge more for that. I love the way Sara teaches. She’s so straight forward and such a great business coach!
Since joining the course I’ve been able to raise my hourly rate from $30/hr to $50/hr.
I now have all my clients on retainers! OH I also quit my job the first week in August because I completely replaced and doubled what I was earning at my part time office job. Going through the START, being consistent on social media, and fully booking myself gave me the confidence to finally leave. I now make more and I’m home with both of my kids!

I feel more empowered to take specific steps towards moving my business forward.
I also feel confident I have the right strategies to test out what I have planned, knowing that I can also make changes if needs be & that does not equal failure. Sara has a natural way of getting you motivated and feeling like you can really pull this off!

Prior to The Start, my business was lacking a complete foundation to run optimally. The services and skill sets were there, but it was challenging for me to let go of the ingrained employee mindset. The Start program helped me to focus on my why and embrace what was most necessary to run my business efficiently. It also provided helpful management resources that I’ve implemented into my business toolkit.
Sara showed me the importance of setting boundaries early on and that it’s perfectly acceptable when done the right way. She truly provided the right building blocks to start my business along with the encouragement needed to give myself grace along the way.
I am much more confident now to use my skills and assets in a way that will best benefit my clients and leave room for my business to grow.
The Start is a great program for someone who is in the beginning stages of wanting to build a really great done-for-you service based business. I enjoyed each week, learned so much and found the worksheets and templates to be extremely helpful throughout the program.
Since completing the program, I have truly set an amazing foundation for my business. I became super clear on my WHY and feel confident I’m building a business that carries out my unique message and look forward to being a true support partner to my future clients.
I’m building trusting relationships with other entrepreneurs, am getting more visibility on social media and started booking discovery calls!

The Start gives you everything you need to confidently start your own virtual assistant business – the tools, the mindset, the documents. My favorite part is how the course is structured with all of the content being split into one different lesson each day over the entirety of the 6 week program.
After completing The Start, I have the confidence & know-how to build this business from the ground up and take it as far as I want it to go! I have a great social media account with a clear & actionable bio, a one sheeter for clients, a dubsado account set up, an asana account set up, a great new daily planner ready to roll.
I have a workflow, a legal contract, an invoicing method and several other documents in place AND I have had or are scheduled to have a total of 12 discovery calls in a two week time span!

The Start really helped me align with my goals and dreams. Through the course, I became very clear on what I wanted and the type of people I want to work with, based on the type of employee and person that I am. It increased my knowledge in social media and sales, and also boosted my confidence going out there and talking to people and reaching out to potential clients. I felt pretty capable on my own, but The Start really helped me learn how to be capable in the right areas.
When I started the course, I only had one client.
By week 4, I had signed another one. Now, in the final week, I have 4 total clients and am almost booked out! I was able to get off of unemployment, double my income, and get the perfect puppy coworker to help since I’m working full-time from home again.
I also had my favourite journal company (BestSelf Co.) ask me to be an ambassador for their business to share my journey.

I’m based in the UK and the international ‘family vibe’ that The Source provides me makes me feel included and less alone as an entrepreneur. There is truly a collaboration over competition vibe. The monthly Zooms are the best – I always come away from them feeling like I’m wrapped in a bubble of supportive friendship, joy and love, feeling like “I CAN DO IT!”
I also feel like The Source has allowed me to move away from the “shoulds” of running an online business and allowed me to gain confidence in my own ability to make the decisions that are right solely for me. That’s been huge for me.
I’ve gone from consistent £2k months to consistent £4k months!
Most importantly I feel like I have a bigger circle of pals who ‘just get it’. I love the feeling of belonging to a group of women who are endlessly supportive, it really means the world.

I love how Sara is hands on and gives actionable steps and advice every single week! My confidence has increased, and I close more sales because I offer an additional backend offer.
The value provided is mind blowing & life changing!

I love The Source because it’s a super-helpful, and supportive community.
Sara consistently over-delivers when it comes to valuable information and responding to individual questions within the framework of the group. With direct help from Sara and the other members of The Source, I have been able to build out and sell my first VIP day!
The service provider niche in the online world is different from things like coaching and product sales. With The Source, it’s super helpful to have continued access to resources and relationships with people who really understand what’s needed to thrive in the industry.

I love the community and ongoing support inside The Source! Everyone builds you up and is always there to support you and because of that my confidence has greatly improved. I no longer second guess myself and it shows in my work. I have more confidence on my discovery calls, I’m maintaining consistent $5k months and I’ve really built my knowledge of systems.
In The Source, you are surrounding yourself with like minded business owners, and there is so much information and knowledge shared in the group that you 100% get value from.

I love the support from Sara and all the other amazing women in The Source.
I feel like I’ve really got someone in my corner willing me to succeed and the group coaching calls each month are gold!
I’ve learnt some fantastic things which have allowed me to set up great systems in my business & how to handle my client interactions which is ultimately where I want to get the most guidance because selling yourself is scary! When you’re self employed, it’s just you & it’s so helpful to have a strong network to get past the times when you need a push!

I literally started my business because of The Start. I loved how easy it was to follow and to fit into my already busy day. Sara also allowed me to see that I can truly do this!! I have more years than I’d like to admit in marketing and event planning, but she helped me see how that translates to the online space.
Since completing The Start, I’ve already landed 2 clients and one of them just asked if she could send me a referral. Big win!!
I have also already made back my investment. This program was/is a game changer for me and I cannot wait to see where I go.

Since I’ve completed The Start, I have much more confidence in my business and ability to sell my services out.
I have had more discovery calls than ever before, and signed on a new client that came from the matchmaking referrals.
I really love the fact that you share leads with members and the growth formula document is so helpful when you’re looking to scale. The Start has given me the confirmation that what I am doing is correct and to keep moving forward with my business. I definitely recommend this program!

Even though I have exceptional professional and leadership experience, I knew nothing about starting my own business as a service provider. I’m so grateful I came across The Start program! It allowed me an opportunity to set myself and my business up with the guidance of Sara, an expert in this arena. The Start helped me build a solid foundation that immediately began forming an actual business.
When I signed up for The Start, I was still trying to understand how to make my skills turn into a profitable business.
By week 4 of The Start, I booked and had several discovery calls. By week 5, I had signed my first 3 paying clients! By the completion of the program, I had a new confidence about the value I bring and new clients that saw that value as well.

The Start helped me START my business. Pun intended.
I loved that we were able to go at our own pace with each assignment in the program. It’s a very supportive atmosphere! The group calls were a great addition and it’s nice to get the email leads even if you’re not at the stage of taking clients.
With The Start, I realized that the skills I have are very much in need and that I will succeed as a Virtual Assistant/Social Media Manager.
I loved the style and pace of The Start. It was a fast six week course, but the content was in small consumable bites. It was easy to set aside the time to work through the course and still have time to do the homework – keeping me on track through the six weeks. Sara really helps you feel good about where you are and making this work for you.
By week four of the program, I had already booked my first discovery call and by week six, I had booked two more.
By the end, I felt like I had so much information and I could confidently talk to potential clients, sign them, and manage my business. That was key for me. Making this business work for me and not creating a similar business environment to my 9-5.

I love that the content of The Start was easy to digest and the videos were concise and engaging. I also love that the Matchmaking Bonus is included in the course!
The Start helped me figure out the best pricing structure for my services and it has given me the added confidence to do what I love. In 3 weeks, I landed one dream client and had a proposal sent to another!
After completing the program, I feel like I have some tangible steps to move my business forward.

The Start is a great place to connect with other ass-kicking virtual queens! After each group call, I felt inspired and motivated to keep challenging myself in expanding my business. This program gave me the boost I needed to make the jump!
I appreciate the matchmaking leads and because of those I was able to set up discovery calls and practice selling myself!
Within 6 weeks, I was able to create a legit business (name, bank account, etc.) and contract two clients. One of those clients is my former employer!

The Start provided me with small bite size info, mentorship that was empowering, and a good level of technical info. It helped me to have a better understanding of my baseline, where to go from there and how to achieve results in my business.
Because of this program, my biz now has a clear statement. I now know my direction. I understand my values and I know how to sell my skills! All of that is pretty awesome!

I’d say that prior to The Start, my confidence and sense of self-accomplishment was very low. But now that I have graduated and have been able to put the program into action, my confidence has sky-rocketed! Being able to do what I love, in the capacity that I have with the encouragement from Sara, has made all the difference.
I loved the community and connectedness of the program. Being able to go through a program like this with like-minded women, felt comforting and like this was that much more do-able! In my first month since graduating The Start, I’ve signed 4 clients and have matched my 8am-5pm Full-Time job Salary! I can’t wait to scale more over the next month and leave my 8am-5pm for good.
I don’t know if there is a way to describe HOW beneficial it was, but if I could rate it on a scale of 1-10, I would have to give it an INFINITY. I am a REAL business owner now and it’s unreal to even think of.

When I began The Start, my business was a dream and now it is a reality that is bringing in income. I knew that I could do this, but having templates and business models provided and explained provided so much value that I was able to instantly implement into my business. I loved that The Start did exactly what I wanted it to; it took out so much of the guessing game especially around what services I provide and pricing for my services.
I launched my business during Week 2. Since then I have had 5 clients; 2 project based and 3 on monthly retainers. My goal initially was to make $1,000 my first month and $2,500 for November and December. So far my income for the combined months is $3,000 and will be at least $3,600.
Because I was provided so much knowledge during The Start, I’ve been able to launch my business with confidence. I know my value add and what I can offer. I also know that I won’t land every client, every discovery call won’t be a match and that’s okay.

The Start was perfect for the guidance and accountability I needed at the time where I had nowhere else to turn and very little money to invest in my learning. I loved how Sara really wanted us to use the knowledge that we had to secure our clients with no pressure of learning new tools.
The Start gave me the foundation that I needed to figure out how to price my services and plan out my income. It also provided the framework for the messaging that I still use to describe how I can help my potential clients in my So-That Statement.
Since completing the program, I started my boutique Strategic Management Firm and now know that my tangible strengths are in Management and Operations.
I loved how the modules and extra resources with each lesson in The Start were so easily digestible. I liked the accountability with the daily lessons and having the opportunity to ask any questions during the group coaching calls.
Since The Start, I have started working with two new clients and have expanded my network.
I’m now much more aware of all of the adaptable skills I have from previous corporate jobs that I can bring into the online world.
It’s clear that Sara is an expert in the VA space and I feel confident that this programme has laid the foundations for me to continue expanding.

What I loved most about The Start was Sara’s energy and the way she made everything seem clear and easy to understand. I felt like each week I not only learned and understood more, but I got a shot of motivational encouragement to go along with it.
I appreciate the time and energy that Sara puts into this course and how genuine her engagement is. It never felt like once we signed up/paid for the course we were on our own. I appreciated that very much. I was also repeatedly blown away by how much knowledge and information Sara has and is willing to share and give. She has the answer to any question readily available and it is always so spot on. I love how she thinks and how her brain works!
When I began The Start my business was a wish and idea. By the end of the course, I had already had my first discovery call and was a million times more confident than when I started. The Start truly set me up with a business and the confidence that I needed to move forward and continue to work after the program ended.

The Start taught me about building a virtual assisting business from the ground up. Prior to taking the course, I did not have a business and wasn’t confident enough to get started. Having all information condensed and taking actionable steps in small pieces was extremely helpful for me. It didn’t feel overwhelming to begin this journey into the virtual assisting world and thanks to The Start I feel confident and hopeful I will land a clients and build my business.
The coaching calls were definitely helpful. There were a few times that I had really specific questions and Sara was able to answer them during the live calls even though I was not able to attend. Even though I was part of a group cohort for The Start, I felt supported by Sara.
Thanks to Sara’s matchmaking service available to all The Start students, I was able to land 2 discovery calls thus far from her network. I have loved getting practice and experience under my belt!

The weekly lessons for The Start were easy to follow and so many resources were provided. I think the cost for the value was a steal! I loved the group coaching calls even though I couldn’t attend live. I even signed a client before the course was finished, and still have leads rolling in!
The program gave me the confidence to actually start my own business, encouragement to know I wasn’t alone and other people are doing this.
I could continue to sit on the sidelines or take action to make this business a reality, and The Start gave me the actionable plan that I needed.

I love how The Start was straight forward, informative, and relatable. Sara is a wonderful teacher who took us through a process that really allowed me to hone in on my skills and create offerings that feel authentic to me. The Start did a wonderful job showing me how to tailor my business to work for ME! It was so eye opening to learn more about the online business space and how it doesn’t matter what “skills you have now” because those can always be learned.
Since completing the program, I have signed my FIRST client. I love that Sara offers the matchmaking service to her students. It makes such a HUGE difference when first starting out!
I also created an informative 1-pager that includes all my offers! This allowed me to get on my feet ASAP without building a website first.
I tend to live in this “it must be perfect” world and taking this course has allowed me to find perfection in the imperfect. My business is unique to me and there is no “copy paste” solution if I want to ensure my business works for my lifestyle.
The Start helped me feel super clear about how my existing skills transfer to run a successful VA business. I now feel like I have the confidence in knowing what VA services are right for me and my business and having the confidence to set my rate. The worksheets and the week where we discussed offers and prices were some of my favorite parts!
Since completing The Start, I am more determined than ever to be more efficient and build better systems in my business. I’ve signed on one client and will begin onboarding the second in the next week!

I loved everything about the Start! I especially loved how we weren’t taught how to do Sara’s business, but we were given the framework and then had to apply our own thoughts to it.
Since completing the program, I feel like I have a great business structure in place and the confidence to know what the next step in my business process is.
I also have solid systems in place now for when I bring on clients and I have a strategy with social media and discovery calls. I’ve signed my first client and have a few more discovery calls scheduled!

The Start was one of the most valuable courses I’ve ever taken! I loved the simplicity and clear messaging of the program as well as the 5 minutes per day structure as it gave me something to look forward to before work every day.
The Start helped me have a clear direction and path in front of me and how to get focused on how I want to proceed in my business. The tangible results I had were NOT taking on a few clients who wouldn’t have aligned with my area of expertise.
I’m much more confident now that I have what it takes to run a successful business and I also feel more comfortable setting boundaries!

When I first began The Start, I had no clients and was unsure how to start my business, but the program really helped me increase my confidence in my business. I especially loved the group coaching calls and leads through Sara’s matchmaking service.
During the program, I was able to book 2 discovery calls that converted to 2 paying clients! Within my first month of business I was able to bring on two additional paying clients.
The knowledge that I received as part of this course is invaluable!

I loved the setup of The Start and the group calls! With the help of the program, I now feel like I have so much more knowledge of programs and tasks and confidence in my business. I’ve signed on 2 clients and am excited to continue growing!

The Start was amazing! The support was second to none and having Sara reply in person to questions made me feel really valued. I loved feeling part of a community, being supported, not feeling stupid for asking questions and helping me realise my value.
Because of this program, I now have my first paying client and knowledge and confidence on how to set up my VA business!

The Start is an amazing program no matter where you are in your business. I loved the worksheets! I printed all of them and used them for additional deep thought after the sessions. My confidence has grown significantly. I can see and feel the difference, but it’s also communicated to the clients because I’ve been booking more discovery calls recently.
In the past 6 weeks my business has transformed.
I’ve had 2 clients sign contracts and another call me back yesterday to move forward. These 3 clients alone added an extra $2500 monthly!!
I love the way The Start was laid out and the information given in the program. I feel like I am now truly owning my value and have an increase in confidence. I also now have better boundaries and have begun charging more for my services!

Without The Start, I would not have had any idea what steps to take to start a VA business.
The foundations of this course have really given me the confidence that starting an actual VA business is a reality for me.
I’ve gained lots of knowledge not only in the program but in the bonus trainings as well!

The Start program is packed FULL of value! The information is straight to the point, no fluff, and you can get all of the work done in a timely manner. The coaching calls, bonuses, and matchmaking make it so worth the money! Sara layouts a great roadmap for social media, making it so clear and understandable, and easy to implement.
Since completing the program, I feel like I have so much more knowledge of the industry and I’m feeling more confident in my pricing. I’ve also gotten a ton of leads through the matchmaking service!
I’ve looked into other programs and I think this one, by far, is the best because the content matches the price! It is well worth it.

The Start provided me with a great wealth of information to help start my VA business. I found it all very useful and it helped boost my confidence knowing that I can do this and I’m not the only one out there who needed help to really begin. What I found most valuable was the weekly information given and the group zoom calls!

The Start… where do I start?! Going in, I didn’t really know what to expect. I’ve taken a lot of courses that were just “fluff” and to be honest, I was worried this would be like that too. But! I WAS SO WRONG. The Start is not fluff at all. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. In the program, Sara speaks in such a clear and concise way that is easily understandable. She kind of “dumbs it down” (for lack of a better term) for us baby VA’s without making us feel dumb – if that makes sense. She teaches in a way to help you gain knowledge and empower you. Sara meets you where you’re at and gives appropriate advice for the stage of business you’re in. You can tell she truly cares and wants you to do well and succeed! You’re not just “another number” to her.
After completing The Start, I now have a solid foundation of knowing how to run a VA business. What I needed the most help with was knowing how to run the back end of my business to make it more professional (vs the winging it I was doing before) and gaining more confidence to know what I’m worth and pricing my services accordingly. I love the way that the modules were split into bite size pieces and the group coaching calls were GOLD!!
So thankful I came across Sara’s account on Instagram and that I took the leap of faith and trusted her. My business is forever changed.
As a new VA, The Start was so valuable. I loved the group calls and being able to ask questions, and it’s great getting the leads! The discovery call masterclass as well as the other discovery call class both gave tons of key points to help lay out a successful call with potential clients.
Since completing the program, I now know my value and the skills I have to offer in this business!

My favorite part of The Start were the leads from the matchmaking service. That is so valuable! The program has provided me with knowledge and confidence as well as showing me how my skills are transferable. Since completing The Start, I have one client, one discovery call booked, and one lead!

I love how The Start provided guidance around setting up the foundations for a VA business. Since starting and completing the program, I’ve booked 3 discovery calls and secured 2 new clients!

The Start is truly an incredible resource all around. The program helped me create a functional business and build my confidence!The bonus trainings, especially the Asana and Dubsado ones, were incredibly helpful and valuable.

I loved all of the templates and program breakdowns that were provided in The Start. It was helpful to have the course broken up into daily bits so we could really focus on the material of the day and learn to incorporate it. I now feel more confident in my abilities as a VA and prepared for when I land my first client.

The Start provided great step-by-step instructions to get started and I felt so much more organized and confident after. I really learned how to own my value and since completing the program, I’ve signed my first client!

The Start provided such a clear framework on how to start from the ground up and use my transferable skills. I loved the lessons on pricing/packages and establishing clear boundaries. All the bonus trainings were super helpful along with the group calls and the leads are awesome!!!
After completing the program, I’ve got the basics set up, I’ve started my social media account and I’m on my way to signing my first client!

The information provided in The Start was crazy valuable and I absolutely loved how it wasn’t all thrown at us full force. The way it’s broken up into small bits each day makes it more realistic to take in! The program provided me with an abundance of useful knowledge that can be applied to making my business successful in real time!

Working with Sara in the Growth Lab was an excellent step toward our goals. Despite knowing we wanted to change things up in our business, we were unsure how to do it. She helped us realize we need to have a life-first business!
Sara also made us realize we need to reward ourselves for meeting our goals. So we now have a list of goals, and every time we reach a goal, we reward ourselves with ice cream, a spa day, or do something we usually wouldn’t do.
As of now, we are no longer working with Pinterest or Instagram clients…only blogging clients!!! Our ideal client changed, and we now market to high-end wedding professionals (primarily photographers). A second result from the Growth Lab is we had to realize how much we’re worth, in comparison to what we used to charge for our blogging services.
At this time, we have seven monthly blogging clients that we consistently blog for, and our income has increased.
Sara has given us the tools and support to gain confidence in our business and helped us with our mindset which immensely impacted the thoughts we had about ourselves and our business.

The Growth Lab was such a wonderful investment of both my time and money. I got so much out of that time, learning from others in the group, as well as from Sara.
I love how it was focused on growing my business and making more money, but also focused on finding hobbies and doing things I love. I feel like it’s such a great way to achieve work life balance.
During my time working with Sara, she helped give me the confidence to raise my prices for social media management clients and to launch my social media membership for gym owners. Sara breaks things down in such an easy way to understand and tackles the life-first side of business!

When I started working with Sara, I was just starting out as a VA/OBM. I had a couple of clients, but I didn’t know how to grow my business consistently and sustainably.
Fast forward 2 years later, and I’m about to hit my first 200K year. I’m fully booked months in advance with clients I love to work with and I’ve built an amazing team.
Sara supported me in so many ways along the way, whether I needed strategy advice, mindset shifts or just someone to talk to. I particularly loved her down to earth approach to growing a business that serves your life and making sure you have fun along the way!

The Start is exactly that, a great start to a made for you career. You learn how to set yourself up for continual growth and the only thing in your way is YOU! The investment seems so great when you’re nervous about results, but I made back my investment twofold after just two months! The program was so easy to follow and fit into my busy schedule.
From NOTHING to THRIVING! I started as a very scared 9 to 5er nervous about the unknown and now I can actually say, I. AM. A. VA! I started receiving client leads as early as week 3!
By week 5, and only after my 2nd Discovery Call, I had a signed (PAID) client! By the end of that week, I had my 2nd client!
They are both dream clients that I never would have met without The Start. The program gave me such confidence and Sara gave me the encouragement I needed to keep pushing forward and not selling myself short!

Thanks to The Start I have my first discovery call EVER scheduled for next week! My business was non-existent when I began, but thanks to this program I feel excited to build the business that works for my life in any stage of life that I’m in. Sara teaches us how to make things work for ourselves, so I feel confident making adjustments as life happens. I am so grateful for The Start’s detailed information that helps me determine what to focus on and how to make things happen.
As someone who tends to research myself into an information overload, I NEEDED this weekly delivery of important information and action steps that I could start taking. I felt like I was getting great advice from a long time friend who has “been there, done that”. It really helped with the anxiety that I felt about deciding to start my own VA business.
And even though life hit like a ton of bricks during the very first week of the program, The Start was simple enough for me to follow amidst the chaos. This program is a game changer for me.

I was 3 months postpartum with my 2nd baby and so burned out from working as a nurse the last 10 years, I was dreading the idea of working my MLM gig in order to make somewhat of an income from home.
As someone who was a big newbie to the online workspace and virtual assisting world, I learned so much and never felt silly asking what I thought was a dumb question. I made my investment back within the first month of finishing the program. I have never had to market myself whatsoever outside of Sara’s referral system and even landed my first client before the end of The Start.
I am now fully booked in less than 2 months after being sent my first lead and have created a stable & dependable monthly income!
If you’re reading this and on the fence about it – just do it! Being successful in this is totally attainable if you show up, complete the lessons/worksheets and are motivated to get out of the box you’re currently in. There is a huge market for VA’s with the way the online space is growing… I even had to turn down 2 people in person during casual conversation when they asked what I do for work!
I’m seriously obsessed with this new work-life balance I have achieved with the help of Sara & Erin – I WILL NEVER clock in under someone else ever again or have to work on a holiday because my time off request got denied! Oh and did I mention my most recent client is paying me the same hourly wage I made as a nurse?! How cool is that?!

I loved how the information in The Start was so bite sized! It helped the program to not feel overwhelming and the tasks were very doable. Also, the lead sharing program is SO valuable!
The Start helped me learn how to set up my CRM, and although I do not have clients yet, I had the confidence to reach out to 2 leads! My business really went from an idea to a reality!

The most valuable things to me about The Start were two things: 1. Building a foundation that included mindset training and 2. All the resources (templates and leads).
Without this course I believe I would have fallen into the trap of building a 9-5 from home and becoming my clients employee. The course took me step-by-step to remember my WHY and create the vision of the life I am trying to build.
Since completing the program, I signed with my first client and I have strong foundational templates that I used to organize and start my business.

My favorite parts of the program were the matchmaking and the ability to get feedback from seasoned VA’s. It’s priceless!
Since completing The Start, I am now more confident in my ability to offer OBM services on an ongoing basis for clients instead of just Done For You services that are one and done. I solidified boundaries for myself and my family, and I have more confidence in my abilities and in charging appropriately for my services. I also have several prospective clients now and have made new networking connections that I look forward to growing over the next several months.
I am so glad I made the investment with the Start! The 5-10 minute pieces of homework every day during the program were great! I loved having the info condensed. After completing the program, The Start gave me a clearer vision of what I want and the confidence to start my own business!
I really liked that The Start broke down all aspects of a One Sheet by helping me figure out what I am able to offer & and how to present those offerings to clients. Now my business is more than just an idea because this program has helped me set a foundation to move forward.

I love how The Start provided us with the info of various programs to use and templates to assist us in different situations. I’m still working on getting clients but I believe since completing the program I’ve gained more confidence and knowledge and the foundation of my business has been built. I would definitely recommend this program!

My favorite part of The Start was the group calls! It was interesting hearing from some individuals who are established vs. those of us just starting out. The Start really helped me to build out a resume of offerings and structure how to build out my business. I have no clients YET, but because of the program I have a plan of attack on how I can make sure I’m ready for when I get that first lucky one!
I thought it was so helpful that The Start taught us about social media for your business, provided us with great templates and gave us a thorough breakdown of Asana. Since completing, I now have the confidence to do discovery calls and know what I’m talking about! I also have landed my first client and joined The Source!
I loved everything about The Start, but I especially loved having access to Sara and Erin for questions! This program really upped my confidence, helped me recognize my transferable skills, and provided the right info for me in a condensed form.
Before the program I didn’t have a business and now I’ve landed my first client and have a real VA business!

The START was incredible, the course had a great flow and was very easy to understand. In the course, the work was split into 30-40min tasks each day. Sara and Erin were amazing through this, I received the best support to become confident that I could start this virtual assistance business.
After completing the program, I now have the knowledge and confidence to dive in and have a foundation for my business. Even better, I have completed two discovery calls and now have two great clients.

I am so happy that I found Sara and The Start program. It has been so freakin helpful and Sara really gives you everything you need to get going with your VA business. Like just so many little details that I would have never thought about! Discovery calls, templates, legal, bookkeeping, all the different platforms and so many different scenarios that could come up along the way.
Sara is just always being real and she shows you how you are in charge of your business, and you can actually do what feels good to you and works for your life.
I am just forever grateful for THE START and am already in the SOURCE and cannot wait to grow my business. Thank you 🙂

The Start really gave me a better idea of what I want my business to look like and a better understanding of how I can make that happen. I loved the feedback and assistance from Sara and support coach Erin. It was fantastic! I’ve had several Discovery calls and have signed with 2 clients. I have been very picky when choosing the clients I talk with and support and I would not have had the confidence to do that if it wasn’t for this amazing program!

The week-by-week setup of The Start was so great. I learned so much about the legal side, taxes and what I needed to really set up a successful business. The opportunity to receive the leads through the matchmaking service is so great and helpful for practicing discovery calls.
Since completing the program, I now have an official biz that I have started and feel confident to start signing clients!
What was valuable about The Start? It ALL was incredibly valuable! The 100% A+ Support from Erin, the templates, the masterclass bonuses, the group calls + Sara’s support + inspiration, and the clear concise lessons that were easy to understand.
Before the program, I had no business. It was just a dream! Now I have the foundations of my own business and am working with my first client and growing quickly.
I loved The Start! It was so amazing to have Sara and her team accessible to us to answer questions. I’m just starting out with my business and working on booking discovery calls. Excited for what’s to come!

During the program, I really enjoyed the technical demonstrations on systems like Asana and getting a social strategy in place. It’s wild to think I have real business now. From knowing where and how to direct my outreach to implementing a stellar follow up system, I have the tools to find a client from beginning to end now. I also now know all about invoicing and have all the tools to actually run a successful business!
I learned SO much with The Start and it wasn’t overwhelming. I loved the bite sized lessons that pieced everything together. For example, the one sheet could have been overwhelming but we literally did one piece of it a day and then at the end of the week put it all together. It was great!
After completing the program, I feel equipped to dive into the VA world and have gotten all my ducks in a row to get started (LLC, business bank account, bookkeeping software, etc). I’ve had 1 discovery call so far and another one booked!

I really loved the worksheets, and every real life example Sara gave in her videos during the program. The coaching calls were a great way to see how other people are using the material as well. My goal is to sign on 3 clients by September, and I feel ready to hit the ground running in order to meet that goal because of the confidence and assurance from the program. I booked one discovery call through the matchmaking program, and even though it didn’t work out, I feel way more confident in my ability to run discovery calls!

My favorite part of The Start is how Sara broke down everything into smaller learnings and walked you through how to do each template, worksheet, and area of your business.
I liked the bonus lessons too where she taught us how to work in different systems. I now have my one sheet ready to go and I understand more platforms and ways to make my business set up for success. I’m excited to grow!
The Start was a total confidence booster. Every question I had or thought of was answered along the way. I loved learning how many skills I already have that could benefit my VA business. I started this program with nothing and have now grown my business to the point where I can put myself out there and feel confident to take on my first client.

Having taken a lot of courses, this one was by far the most helpful. I appreciated the way the weeks were broken down and built upon each other. The templates and walk through videos, the support with Erin and the live group calls were all so amazing.
This course actually delivered in terms of getting me ready to take actions and start getting clients. So many promise you that but are not actually set up for success. The bonuses, templates, and support in reviewing our so-that statement and services were valuable beyond measure. I kept getting stuck on those pieces prior to this course but turns out I just needed someone to bounce my ideas off of. Erin was so great and responsive, and Sara’s energy and openness on the group calls helped make you feel less crazy and instilled confidence.
I booked one discovery call from one of the matchmaking leads, which allowed me to get my questionnaire and email templates done. I know my next clients are out there and thanks to the course I feel set up to receive them!

I found a sense of community with The Start and the coaching calls were absolutely amazing. It was great to have that direct line of communication with not just Sara and Erin but with the rest of the cohort as well. Going through the program brought me so much knowledge of what to expect in the VA space, owning my skills and realizing the difference between a seemingly daunting task and one that just requires work, creativity and a call to action.

The videos and the coursework for The Start are super helpful. Since going through the program, I now understand my direction better and am wrapping my head around the type of clients I need to be successful.
I loved so many things about The Start, but the direct support and being able to always reach out with questions was my favorite. There was so much valuable information given and the live calls were so helpful. With the program, I was able to build a solid foundation. I had absolutely no clue where to begin before I started and I am so much more confident that I can have the balanced life that I need to be there for myself and my family.

I’m a visual learner so it was really great to have Sara’s videos breaking down each topic and the worksheets to accompany the lessons. The program really helped me own my value and boosted my confidence!
After completing The Start, I have moved from a freelancer to a business owner! I have been freelancing for two years, and during The Start, I realized that I was undercharging clients. I just picked up a client last week and I was able to charge them almost double what I have been charging in the past. And guess what? The company was completely okay with my pricing!

The community, the near-instant access to questions answered and real-time problem solving from Sara and Erin were my favorite parts of The Start. Erin was always available, and went above and beyond on feedback and course material review/assistance.
During the program I was able to solidify my retainer model, update my website, my bio, and added a service page. I’m more confident in the services I can offer, and I’m motivated to get my business systems back on track!

I am so grateful for your program giving me the confidence to get started! I feel like The Start literally laid out all the things I needed to begin and gave me clarity on what exactly I want for myself as a VA and how to set boundaries in my business. There were so many valuable resources. I really liked that it is self paced and that I have lifetime access to the information.
I literally just launched a week ago, have signed 2 clients and have 2 very promising discovery calls today who will hopefully sign as well!! I have learned so much from the START and the SOURCE community and am so excited for this journey and what is to come!

There were a lot of tools I found useful in the program. Specifically learning about invoicing, taxes, and a lot of the bonus content. I’m still working on getting my business going, but I gained a lot of knowledge about becoming a VA through my time in The Start.

I really enjoyed the step-by-step actions of The Start. It was laid out so simple and it was easy to follow. The group coaching calls and help via email from Support Coach Erin were incredible! After completing the program, I learned how to use Dubsado and set myself up for a business with boundaries.
I’ve also now maxed out my client capacity and reached beyond my initial financial goal!

My favorite things about The Start were having help determining my skill set, the group calls, bonuses, and the assistance with leads. I gained so much knowledge and CONFIDENCE with the program. I went from zero to actually starting a Virtual Assisting business and that was a big step for me!
The bite sized lessons that gave me time to process and implement the information were the most valuable part for me during The Start. I finally understand how my existing skills will transfer to the VA space and how to go from finding clients to working with them. I started from scratch, and now feel like I have what I need to get started!

The resources and support throughout the program were great. I feel like Sara and her team provided exactly what was necessary to get the framework in place to start a VA business. I’m still working on landing my first client, but feel I have established great time management and setting boundaries for myself.

The mindset shift I made after completing The Start was huge!
I began the program with no business and ended it feeling confident in myself with starting and running my own VA business. The bonus trainings and the group coaching calls were great. I even managed to land a discovery call through the matchmaking service!

I started out not knowing a single thing about what I was doing as a VA. The Start gave me the foundation that I NEEDED to get organized and start working with clients professionally.
I went from helping a few friends to 4 retainer clients, I made back my investment within a month of completing my week 6 module.
Sara and Erin are amazing, the amount of wisdom and experience they pass on, is phenomenal! I highly recommend The Start, especially if you’re like me and not sure where to begin!

The Start encouraged me to truly own my value and believe in myself as I start to grow my business.
I enjoyed the no fluff, get to the point information and the downloadable worksheets with the modules.
I have already been connected to 10 clients through the matchmaking service, and signed 3 clients so far! I am confident I’ll get more and hope to continue to build my roster with the matchmaking service which is SO great!

The Start helped me gain a whole lot of knowledge and confidence that I CAN have my own VA business. It helped me figure out what existing skills I have that I can start bringing to the table in this new endeavor. I’m excited to get it going and off the ground!

I really loved the step-by-step directions on how to complete backend tasks in numerous platforms and the masterclasses were definitely SOOO valuable!! My confidence and clarity have improved drastically with The Start. I really appreciate Sara and Erin taking the time to coach, help, and teach us how to market ourselves and get tasks done behind-the-scenes.
I started from the bottom, now I’m here 😂 I pivoted my business when I began this course and had no idea what I was going to offer, how I was going to do it, what systems I would use, and how I would market those services.
Now, I have ALL of these and so much more and I’m ready to take on leads and fill my calendar MY way while putting my family first, always.

The support I received in The Start was so great! I had no idea how much the group coaching calls would actually mean to me, even with just watching the replays. It is reassuring knowing others are going through the same struggles as you. After completing the program, I would say I am definitely more confident in my abilities and I have learned so much just doing the bonuses. I’ve had two discovery calls through Sara’s matchmaking service and hoping for my first client soon!

The information provided in The Start was valuable and provided results. Sara and Erin are truly genuine and only want you to succeed. I cannot say enough good things about this program. I have learned SO much information in just 6 weeks! From Contracts, to Asana, to Dubsado, the list goes on. I feel I have a solid understanding and foundation moving forward in creating my own Virtual Assistant Business.

I loved everything about The Start! The group coaching calls were so helpful and I really loved the bonus classes – they were essential. The program provided me with so much knowledge and confidence and I now have a clear vision on how much I want to charge, how many hours I want to work, etc. I even set up my LLC!

My favorite parts of The Start were the first 3 modules + the support from Sara and Erin in and outside of the group coaching calls. Oh, and the matchmaking program!
The program gave me the confidence to put myself out there and to not be afraid to fail or make mistakes! Also, the knowledge of how my current skills can transfer to my VA business. I booked my first discovery call, woo!
I have never felt more motivated than I have after completing The Start. The support was so great. Sara is extremely motivating and I love how transparent she is with everything! It’s a huge reason why I took that leap to join The Start. Erin is AMAZING! She has answered all my questions and has been a great support system for me throughout the program. I’ve been matched with a few leads and looking forward to getting my first client!

I really appreciated all the words of wisdom given by Sara + Erin throughout the program. I wasn’t able to attend the group coaching calls live, so I loved having the replays accessible to watch when convenient!
I loved the support given in The Start. Every question I had was answered and so much knowledge was gained. With the program. I began feeling like I COULD get to where I wanted and I know I’m already on track and it’s really going to happen for me. I feel organized and I’m not overworking and hustling like I was – I’m setting boundaries and enjoying my life while also starting a business. I feel balanced now!
By the end of The Start, I signed a new client as an OBM, and hit my 30 day goal before it had been 30 days! I’m on track to hit my 6 month goal too!

The Start helped so much with setting up the back end of my business so I could start taking clients with no question. It gave me the confidence to take discovery calls early on and the knowledge of how to run my business. I signed 2 clients in week 5!

It was so great how easily digestible the info was in The Start. I loved the live coaching calls and the additional resources and support during the program. Before I began, I wasn’t sure of what could happen but thanks to the knowledge I received, the increase in confidence and conviction that I can do this, I now know I need to do this for myself and I can make this happen!
The Start provided me with knowledge, insight, new ideas, and confidence in starting my business. The group coaching calls and sharing of practical experiences was so valuable!

When I first began The Start, I had no business and no idea how to begin. I loved the group coaching calls, the bite sized pieces of information delivered daily, and the leads with the matchmaking service. They were all so helpful! Now that I’ve completed the program I feel like I have all the information I need to do this thing and how my skills can translate to the online space. I’m excited and ready to sign my first client!
I 100% went from literal ground zero to being ready to accept paying clients with The Start.
The program provided me with the knowledge to be successful in this business and have confidence in my value. I loved the shared templates with the course work, the bonus modules, the group calls and the leads through the matchmaking service.

I signed up for The Start for so many reasons, and it delivered! I did not have a business when I started this program. I am someone who wants to have everything figured out when I commit to something as big as starting my own business. Yet, something about the live call Q&A with Erin and Sara, before I signed up, signaled to me this was the real deal.
I was so ready to build a source of income that serves my life. So, I prepared myself to fully trust the process and commit to the 6 weeks. The Start cut through the noise of what not to waste my time doing. The Start truly guided me through what I should be investing my time and energy in (one day at a time) in order to start a profitable business from 0 to 1 paying client!
By the time I took my first discovery call, I was crystal clear on why I was starting a VA business, my own non-negotiables, owning my transferable skills and value, and the confidence I can learn the things I don’t already know as I go.
Even something as small as the pre/post-discovery call ritual was golden. My shoot for the moon goal is to be able to give notice to my current full-time employer by February 2023, and if not, I’m confident I’ll land among the stars by April 2023. Before The Start, I had a dream to have autonomy over my time and location, now I have a pathway and the confidence to make it my reality.

Having Sara break down The Start into such bite sized bits was so helpful and took all the overwhelm out. I learned so many new things such as all about boundaries and how to find my skill set.

The Start really gave me all the steps to build a successful business! It provided me with confidence and helped me to realize the skills I already possessed that will transfer to my VA business. I now have the foundation of a business that I can continue to grow!

I really loved the VA Training bank that was provided with The Start! I was able to learn several new platforms and feel confident to be able to offer my services on those platforms. I also learned how to feel confident on a discovery call and even landed my first client!
The program helped me to build my confidence to KNOW I CAN do this business and be successful.

The group coaching calls were so great! I also loved the daily little bits of information. It made the program so doable. Since completing The Start, I feel like I know my offerings and have my business organized. I’m so excited for my discovery call coming up!

The Start gave me the confidence to start my business and really helped me to realize how my existing skills can transfer to VA skills. I loved the group coaching calls and the extra support from Support Coach Erin!

The Start gave me the confidence in running the backend of my business and how to make it simple. I loved how the program identified possible VA services and how to present them to potential clients even without a website.
I signed 2 paying clients during the program!

This program is very thorough. A lot of programs will just give you the information, but Sara and her team really break it down by giving you examples, homework, brainstorming tools, and how-to’s for EVERYTHING! I now feel more confident in my abilities and knowledge of tools to progress my business. I had my first discovery call and looking forward to more!

I really loved how the program started with determining our foundations of WHY we wanted to start our own Virtual Assistant business. It was so helpful how The Start provided guidance on how to set up my contracts/forms/systems that I know will help to make my business run smoothly. I’m excited to sign my first client!
The Start helped me to feel more confident, know my worth and what I can bring to my clients. I really loved the course work provided, the VA training bank, the various templates provided, and the group coaching calls!

I gained so much confidence and knowledge through The Start. I loved the Dubsado training! But not just the tutorial. The contract, the canned emails, the questionnaires, the workflows, Onboard packet idea, scheduler links, & the professionalism behind the set up as a whole. I now feel like I truly belong in the VA space!

Each module in the program had great info and the trainings were extremely helpful. Sara and her team have such confidence in “us” and it’s so reassuring! I’ve now got the backend of my business setup and know I can do this!

The program provided me with the knowledge of building a business and the information needed to start it. I feel like The Start helped me learn more about myself and what I can do. I loved the leads through the matchmaking program!

The Start gave me knowledge and confidence. I’m now owning my value and know what I have to offer to clients. I signed 1 client in Week 5, and signed my second client one week post course completion!

The information itself was so helpfully laid out and easy to digest. I now have a clear picture of my service offerings (including a services and a rates package page) and have been able to connect with the one client I did submit interest for in the form of a lead through Sara. I have my discovery call with them tomorrow!

I loved how the assignments were so helpful but didn’t take up a bunch of time or commitment. I enjoyed all of Sara’s expertise and the daily videos/lessons. The Start gave me confidence, motivation and excitement to begin my journey as a VA!

The Start helped me establish a structure, plan, mission, vision, goals, and non-negotiables without shame. It provided me with business knowledge that’s actually useful without too much “fluff” and platform knowledge from the bonus content tutorials. I feel confident and motivated for my next steps!

The Start really gave me the time to self reflect on my skill set and how to market that to potential clients. I now have the knowledge and the necessary components to be a successful Virtual Assistant!
The amount of information and how it was delivered during the program was perfect. It was broken up into bite size pieces and that added up to a huge result at the end for me.
The confidence boost the program provided me was so helpful. I have had imposter syndrome about starting this business and The Start has shown me that I am well equipped to excel right now and it really helped me bring my business to life.

I feel like the layout of The Start helped me work through things step by step and not make it all feel overwhelming. It gave me knowledge and confidence and now I have a very clear understanding of what I want my business to be and how to get it there.

I loved everything about The Start! The masterclasses were especially helpful and I love the matchmaking component. I gained so much knowledge, confidence, and excitement!

After completing The Start, I have an actual PLAN for my business now. I have a workflow, I have structure, I have confidence in bringing on clients and retaining them because of the way this program has prepped me to run a successful, professional business.

The guidance and support in The Start is exceptional! I found the detail of Sara and Erin’s content and calls to be well executed and full of information and I feel like all the bases were covered with the modules and bonuses provided.

I startedThe Start with nothing besides knowing my experience- so I feel like I gained a ton of knowledge through the program. I really loved the one-pager and retainer information and found the masterclasses super helpful!

It was super helpful learning about all the different softwares and programs that are great to use for a VA business. I found the group coaching calls were great to get questions answered or to just get some positive energy and a push in the right direction again if you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed. The templates that we were provided were also amazing! I gained so much knowledge and increased my confidence with this program.

Sara and Erin are both so positive and insightful and I love the confidence they speak with! I have a much clearer path of how to convert my skills into a VA business with more flexibility and I’m excited for what’s to come.

The group coaching calls and support/feedback from Erin was really helpful. I wasn’t even able to attend the group coaching calls live, but I still found a lot of value in the replay and questions were answered that I didn’t even realize I had!
I’ve had an idea to start a business like this for 2 years now and just never knew how to really start. I’ve been doing work for someone for two years and realized through this program that I am a VA for his business. Now I have the confidence with my previous career experience and this work experience to offer clients. The Start gave me the foundation I needed that I couldn’t figure out on my own to really start a business as a VA.

I had a great mindset shift during The Start. The program made me feel more confident in myself and my abilities and I’m excited to see where this VA business will take me.

The step by step walkthrough of what documents and info I needed to start my VA business were so helpful and the way the lessons were released in small portions was perfect for not getting overwhelmed. I also really enjoyed the potential leads through the matchmaking service.
I didn’t have a VA business when I began The Start. It was more of a dream/goal at the time. I now feel like I have everything I need to move forward with starting my VA business!

I loved the knowledge that The Start provided me! The templates were so helpful and I learned so much including how to promote myself better to obtain clients.
The Start provided me with a good reminder of business basics and an introduction to new tools and programs. I really enjoyed the layout of the program and help with creating my one-sheet.
The matchmaking service was great and I landed 2 discovery calls which turned into 1 amazing client!

I learned so much through this program. The Start helped me find all of the things I didn’t realize I had skills in and can use them to help build my options for my VA business. I also learned how to condense what I can offer and make it look good and how to sell myself and have the confidence to do it!

The Start provided me with a clear layout and direction for where I need to go and what I need to do that I didn’t have before this program. The Bonus classes were AWESOME and I love that the info I needed was right at my fingertips!
I have had 1 discovery call that turned into a client, 1 that has the potential to involve 2-3 more clients and another discovery call for next week. To say that I am grateful for this program is an understatement!!
The Start provided me with knowledge about how my skills can translate to my VA business. I loved all the various templates, the one-pager and invoices. The program was set up in a way that the information was condensed and I was able to get up and running quickly even while holding my full time job!

I loved EVERYTHING! The resources and templates have helped so much since I no longer have to build everything from scratch. But if I had to pick one thing that’s made the most impact, I would say it’s all the confidence building and mindset work. I’ve never been a very confident person, but throughout this program I have seen myself grow in confidence in so many ways. Even my husband has noticed a change.
During the program, I booked my first retainer client (it ended up being a family member), and I had my first discovery call, which I think went very well and I’m excited about all the clients to come.

The Start provided me with SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE and I had a total mindset shift – this business I am creating is for ME and I need to prioritize how I fit it into my life, not the other way around.
I’ve signed 1 client directly from the matchmaking service and I signed another from reaching out on social media!

My favorite part of the program were the templates for sending emails, tracking leads, and preparing for discovery calls! Through The Start, I identified my core values and accepted that I will not be the right person for everyone. I recently signed my first client and have several leads in my personal network lining up to work with me!

The Start content is super detailed and everything is laid out for success. After the program I really feel like I am owning my value, my confidence has been boosted, and that I’m more than a wife and mama – I can rock this new business venture one step at a time. I also now have knowledge on so many new platforms that I’m so excited to offer to my future clients!
The set up and small breakouts during the program made it all seem very manageable and made everything way less overwhelming. I now feel confident on discovery calls and am working on 2 potential clients!
On top of all of that, I have received an overwhelming outpouring of support from my personal network and finally feeling I have found my calling in life!!

The program was very manageable in respect to time and broken down in a logical order. I now have a better idea of all the things a VA can do, going rates, and standards in the industry!

I loved everything about The Start! I love how it really made me dig deep and find myself. The bonus trainings were such a plus. I gained so much knowledge and confidence and just signed my first client!

I loved how the program was easy bite size daily lessons with homework that actually put my business together piece by piece and literally ready to roll in 6 weeks! I now know how to sell myself and have established my skill set with integrity.
I’ve had a few discovery calls and have signed 2 clients!

I really enjoyed the videos with the transcripts. I found it super helpful that I could listen to the videos first, then take more detailed notes from the transcripts. I’m now confident in converting what I already know and taking it into my VA business and reaching out to leads!

I began The Start with literally nothing! Now I have a CRM, with an automated onboarding process, a contract in place, branding etc.
I’ve been on two discovery calls, and I just signed my first client (from Sara’s matchmaking service) last week! All while still holding a full-time job and being a wife and mama to two kiddos!
My advice to all the “late bloomers” who feel any bit discouraged that “it’s just not happening for me” DO NOT GIVE UP! Remember your WHY and let that lead the way to your success!
The short, daily videos during the program were beneficial, impactful, and encouraging. I enjoyed the bonus trainings and it was so helpful to have help creating my One Pager and the access to all of the templates.
I LOVED Sara’s energy. Every time I was feeling discouraged, Sara would always send encouragement/motivation to keep me going and working towards my end goal.

My favorite parts of the program were the group calls, homework assignments, help with setting up my one pager and access to matchmaking leads. I now have an increased knowledge of all I can do as a VA. I’ve booked 2 discovery calls!
I had no clue how I was going to start a business and now I feel like I have a much clearer picture! I’m more confident in my abilities and growth as a person and business owner!
I gained so much knowledge from The Start and feel like I now really have the information on HOW to run a VA business. I loved the live calls and being able to ask and have answers, as well as build relationships with the other classmates and leaders. It was invaluable for me.

It was awesome to have the step by step coursework and templates as a map + starting point. I now have an offerings page that I have sent to some family and friends and I’m feeling confident enough to start putting my name out there. I am refocusing my energy towards my business vs. being frozen without knowing where to even begin.
Even just in doing my first Discovery Call (which I booked through Sara’s matchmaking service), I was so proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and ripping off the bandaid to make this happen!

For me, the first 3 weeks of coursework and all of the Bonus Trainings were the most valuable. I definitely feel confident in promoting myself as a VA and explaining why my services would be valuable to a female business owner. I also feel more confident in the professionalism of my business and my knowledge of how to do VA work successfully.
The biggest thing I gained from the Start program was CONFIDENCE! I never would have thought years of working for non-profit organizations and being a teacher would give me the skills I needed to succeed in my Virtual Assistant business. I started the course 2 weeks after giving birth to my first baby.
Within 4 months, I’ve had 10 discovery calls and booked 3 clients! I am making the same amount I did working 50+ hours/week. But this time, I only work about 15 hours/week! Definitely worth the investment and the time.
Thank you for all the support and wisdom!

A few of the things I loved about The Start were the Asana bonus training, the bonus legal/payment training, & the feedback when I sent in my homework each week. The program really gave me confidence that there is a need for this type of work and it helped me see how the skills I already have would help my VA clients.
The Start gave me a beautiful PDF of my VA services to help market myself, 1 discovery call, 1 new client, and new income on a weekly basis!

The bonus classes and the step by step information each week, really helped me get to a confident place in what I already have to be a VA. I truly feel like I am owning my value and finally seeing that I do have skills to bring to the table. I didn’t have a VA business before The Start and now I do!!

After The Start, I’m much more confident speaking about my business to others! I feel more prepared to challenge myself on tasks I’m not familiar with because I know I can figure out anything and if I decide it’s not something I love, I don’t have to do it for every client or offer it anymore!
I signed my first client through matchmaking before the program ended, and have since signed two more through matchmaking!

I really enjoyed the services page and all the homework to help us get clear on the services we can offer! I also really appreciated Erin’s support on the homework and providing feedback. So insightful. I now have a business name along with a TON of services I can provide to clients and I’m excited for what the future holds!
I really appreciated how The Start helped me realize that I have valuable skills to transfer into becoming a VA. I loved the focus on marketing yourself and on how to get clients. The content was great and it was so helpful to have guidance on creating my one-pager!

Since all of the content was condensed into shorter modules on a weekly /daily basis, it never felt daunting or like too much work to get through.
SO far, I’ve been introduced to 2 leads and have landed 1 client through the matchmaking service!
I am so glad I completed the Start course because it took my confidence level to a whole other place – I feel more empowered than ever that I can DO THIS. Take it one day, one step at a time.
When I first began thinking of starting a virtual assistant business, I wasn’t sure where to start. I thought I had to have a million things in place before I launched, but at the same time wasn’t sure who I should be targeting, what my pricing and services should be etc. The Start gave me the direction and confidence I needed to start making moves!
I liked the bite-sized info and exercises that build upon one another. I currently have 1 lead that I’ve been communicating with. Fingers-crossed that it will come to fruition!

I loved having “homework” after each lesson, so I could slowly chip away at building the resources and materials I needed. The condensed info and assistance with setting up my one-pager was great. I now feel like I am owning my value and have more knowledge and confidence!
I’m having discovery calls and putting myself out there and excited to land my first client!

The program really gave me confidence that there is a need for this type of work and it helped me see how the skills I already have would help my VA clients.
I now have a beautiful PDF of my VA services to help market myself, 1 discovery call, 1 new client, and new income on a weekly basis!

I’m now much more aware of all of the adaptable skills I have from previous corporate jobs that I can bring into the online world. I have started working with two new clients and have expanded my network.
It’s clear that Sara is an expert in the VA space and I feel confident that this programme has laid the foundations for me to continue expanding.

Sara broke down starting a VA business into simple to understand and implement steps.
The real life examples she provided was a reminder that I’m not alone in this journey!
Building an online business can be so rewarding but potentially overwhelming so having someone who’s been there by your side is invaluable. I love Sara’s approachable nature! She was so reassuring and positive, I felt I could conquer the world with her guidance!

Sara’s lessons were GOLD to me, they were short and sweet and packed with so much value.
Now after putting everything into practice, I’m booked out, only working 10 hours a week with super aligned clients!

The program really gave me confidence that there is a need for this type of work and it helped me see how the skills I already have would help my clients.
I now have a beautiful PDF of my VA services to help market myself, 1 discovery call, 1 new client, and new income on a weekly basis!

I’m now much more aware of all the adaptable skills I have from previous corporate jobs that I can bring into the online world. I have started working with two new clients and have expanded my network.
It’s clear that Sara is an expert in the VA space and I feel confident that this programme has laid the foundations for me to continue expanding.

Sara broke down starting a VA business into simple to understand and implement steps. The real life examples she provided was a reminder that I’m not alone in this journey!
Building an online business can be so rewarding but potentially overwhelming so having someone who’s been there by your side is invaluable.

The Start was one of the most valuable courses I’ve ever taken! The Start helped me have a clear direction and path in front of me and how to get focused on how I want to proceed in my business. The tangible results I had were NOT taking on a few clients who wouldn’t have aligned with my area of expertise. I’m much more confident now that I have what it takes to run a successful business and I also feel more comfortable setting boundaries!

From NOTHING to THRIVING! I started as a very scared 9 to 5er nervous about the unknown and now I can actually say, I. AM. A. VA! I started receiving client leads as early as week 3! By week 5, and only after my 2nd Discovery Call, I had a signed (PAID) client! I made back my investment twofold after just two months! The program was so easy to follow and fit into my busy schedule.

I literally started my business because of The Start. I loved how easy it was to follow and to fit into my already busy day. Sara also allowed me to see that I can truly do this!! I have more years than I’d like to admit in marketing and event planning, but she helped me see how that translates to the online space. Since completing The Start, I’ve already landed 2 clients and already made back my investment. This program was/is a game changer for me and I cannot wait to see where I go.

As someone who was a big newbie to the online workspace and virtual assisting world, I learned so much and never felt silly asking what I thought was a dumb question. I made my investment back within the first month of finishing the program. I am now fully booked in less than 2 months after being sent my first lead and have created a stable & dependable monthly income!

In my first month since graduating The Start, I’ve signed 4 clients and have matched my 8am-5pm Full-Time job Salary! I can’t wait to scale more over the next month and leave my 8am-5pm for good.

During the program, I was able to book 2 discovery calls that converted to 2 paying clients! Within my first month of business I was able to bring on two additional paying clients.

In 3 weeks, I landed one dream client and had a proposal sent to another! After completing the program, I feel like I have some tangible steps to move my business forward.

When I started The Start, I had zero clients and now my business has changed in so many ways! I HAVE CLIENTS! I now have 4 consistent clients with 3 more about to be onboarded.

The Start program is packed FULL of value! The information is straight to the point, no fluff, and you can get all of the work done in a timely manner. The coaching calls, bonuses, and matchmaking make it so worth the money!

When I signed up for The Start, I was still trying to understand how to make my skills turn into a profitable business. By week 4 of The Start, I booked and had several discovery calls. By week 5, I had signed my first 3 paying clients!

I love how approachable The Start is. When going through the program, I didn’t feel overwhelmed, and the support is so obvious and genuine from the very beginning. Since completing The Start, I’ve booked three new clients, and I’m in touch with several additional leads. I truly feel so much more confident and at ease about building my client roster and reaching my goals.

The START changed my life, as much of a cheesy statement that is, it is true! I have built my business around my life instead of my life around my business. I am now fully booked out, I have given myself a raise from what I was making as a teacher and as of today am hiring three assistants to help me with my business.

Sara provided step by step guidance and helped me understand that I am worthy of running a business and having clients.
I went from 0 clients and just an idea to 7 clients and 5k months.

In my first month of business, I had one client and I made $3,000! This business is very convenient for me since I don’t have many hours to work with because I have a 19 month old.

The Start helped me gain more confidence in myself and the knowledge of where to start and grow my VA business. I loved the bonus videos that went along with the weekly info! I’ve had a few discovery calls and excited to land that first client!

I loved the information provided in the program. It was so helpful to learn how to communicate with potential clients through discovery calls, emails, and social media.
I’ve obtained several new leads through the matchmaking program, but also organically from the strategies I learned! I’m now more organized and confident to grow my business.

The Start gave me all the info to learn about virtual assisting and it was so helpful having the info broken down in bite sized pieces. I really enjoyed the masterclasses! It was nice to have a whole in depth video about certain topics that we could watch (as many times as needed) at our convenience.
The lead sharing is great and was another favorite aspect of the program. It’s how I landed my first discovery call!

Honestly, just getting to know myself and my skills better have been the biggest results for me with the program. I loved how Sara and Erin were there to answer our questions and having someone look at our homework was HUGE! I feel more confident that I can do this and be successful.

It’s really hard to pick one most valuable thing about the program because every piece was so helpful and appreciated, but I do really love all the bonus masterclasses. I have had so many questions about the VA biz answered throughout the program that I have lost count. The bite sized lessons, bonus classes, discovery calls, thoughtful homework feedback, and everything in between were all so meaningful and powerful for me. The confidence and knowledge I have to start my business now is unbelievable! Thank you!
I really appreciated all the templates to use, small action steps each day and the bonus trainings in The Start. I now have the confidence that I can make this work and the knowledge of best practices for the industry!

Since completing the program, I now know that I have everything I need to be successful in all that I do. The Start helped me realize all my transferable skills and unlock my full potential.
With the support of The Start, I was able to sign my first few clients which has helped me get my business rolling. I’m loving my new business and am so glad I took the leap of faith to join The Start!

The Start helped me feel like I have a good solid foundation as to where to start my business. I loved the live group coaching calls and the matchmaking service. I feel prepared and excited for what’s to come!

The Start helped me realize that I have a lot more skills than I thought, and I even picked up some new ones along the way. I liked how each day was whittled down to bite size pieces and it gave us a chance to focus on a little at a time. The group calls and the worksheets/templates were so helpful!!
All of the resources and bonus classes were very helpful! I also really liked the first week where we brainstormed and developed our WHY.
I finally have a plan of action and hope that staying home and working part-time is actually possible. The Start gave me a new sense of excitement about learning something new, something completely out of the realm of my current expertise. I haven’t been this excited to learn something new in a long time!
I think the bonus training videos were super helpful! I definitely have a better sense of how to get started with the virtual assisting industry. I had my first discovery call yesterday which came from a lead through the Start and I’m excited to see what happens next.

I had no business at the beginning and I am now building it from the ground up. I am feeling more confident to go after it and put myself out there to gain those potential clients. I have the feeling that I can do this when something is scary and out of my normal comfort zone. All of the support was top notch and amazing. All questions I had were answered and responded to with more than I could have asked for.

This may be corny, but the whole program was valuable. The daily lessons and homework laid the foundation, and the masterclass trainings were “GOLD.” Learning what skills were transferable as a VA, learning how to do it from start to finish, and exposure and training to platforms and templates to run your business gave me the confidence I needed to start my own business.
I had no business prior to The Start, and now I have 1 client and am working on a few more. I like the way the training is divided up. The short videos and homework allowed me to stay on track. I then took my extra time to work on the masterclass options, as well as the tech platforms and training tools.

I now have a business with clients!!!
The Start gave me knowledge, helped me learn how to own my value and helped build my confidence. I really appreciated the daily videos, worksheets, and the bonus material so much. I never would have thought I could take my knowledge and skills and build a business around that.
You bet your bippy! Online Business Managers, Social Media Managers, Project Managers, Launch Managers, Podcast Managers and every other done-for-you service provider will learn SO MUCH in THE START.
The program is designed to give you everything you need to build the solid foundations neceddary to create a profitable and balanced service based business.
I can give you the names of 15 students who can all list 21 things they started and stopped, before they found the thing that stuck. I bet, deep down, you knew none of those things were “your thing.”
But they gave you dang good practice. And prepared you for what’s about to come next.
And with what’s coming next, you’ll actually have an easy-to-follow, proven system, and the support of a coach. Bet you didn’t have that last time, did ya?
Which is why the time commitment from you is less than 30 minutes a day.
I literally don’t know of another program that has such a tiny time commitment and can still turn your career around within such a fast time frame. But truthfully? If you can’t commit 30 minutes a day, this business might not be the right fit. But what else would be? Seriously — give me all you’ve got in those 30 minutes and things will shift FAST.
Abso-freaking-lutley. If you’ve started your business but don’t feel 100% solid in your foundation, this is the program for you. Whether you’re a baby newbie or you’ve been in the online biz game for a hot minute, this program will give you a rock solid foundation so that you can grow your business from a place of success, profitability and balance (because isn’t that the point?).
Yup! Here’s the tea with Virtual Assisting. You…
- get booked out quicker (which means you’re profitable sooner)
- stay booked out longer because turnover is wayyyy less than other business models
And when you combine those two things, you get a business that’s wildly sustainable long-term. Not to mention we LOVE to send leads to our students. Stick with me, I got you!
You could! But if you’re frantically consuming every “5 Secrets To Some Blah Blah Blah About Virtual Assisting” article — there’s no way you can go from 0 to paying clients in just 6 weeks.
Also, the info you find in Google will be missing something: YOU.
In THE START, I specifically help you create the VA business you want to run (that takes into consideration, your actual priorities). Not many systems will encourage you to put family and free time first like mine does.
Oh, and one small (ok big) problem with those other systems?
They’re missing a super important ingredient: ME!
You’ll get walked through and coached through all of this in a way that no other program is offering. It’s one thing to read someones’ content but to REALLY have a mentor? That’s priceless and the ticket to moving forward FAST.
I could have built the program that way, but what if you don’t want to just work with digital course creators? (which are the skills a lot of those other courses teach).
THE START is designed for you to make money now using whatcha already got. You have so many skills from your past experience that easily transfer into the VA world. Why not start getting paid for those right now, rather than spend your first 4 weeks, learning skills you’re not really interested in?
And honestly? We’ll actually teach you a bunch of new skills, platforms and technologies inside the program because we show you how to set them up for yourself. And once you know how to do it for yourself, well… now you have a new skill you can charge for!
I hear you, but right now what you need is to get expert advice on starting your business ASAP the right way, not input from a bunch of other (well-intentioned but not totally knowledgeable) women who are at the same place as you are. That’s why we purposely DON’T include a Facebook group with THE START.
You don’t need more noise, more questions and more uncertainty (not to mention to be spending your precious time on ANYTHING other than building your mini-empire).
And we’re making it easy for you to put blinders on and get this business going yesterday.
Yep! We offer three (3) LIVE group coaching calls inside THE START. During your hot seat time, it’s all you baby boo.
People use their hot seat for everything from getting my feedback on their list of services and hourly rate to getting support around the fear they have showing up online as a newbie. But no matter how they use it? They say it’s one of the most valuable parts of the program (and the thing NO other program like this offers).
Each week you’ll receive a daily 5-10 minute video training where Sara will quickly break down every necessary step you NEED to take in your business to make it profitable and successful.
In addition to the daily video, you’ll get daily worksheets and resources designed to help you go from idea to reality, ASAP. There are also three (3) LIVE group coaching calls to help you work through your stuck points and keep your online business ball rolling straight to the top. You’ll also get access to client leads AND you’ll have opportunities to unlock new bonuses inside every module just by doing your coursework.
You have lifetime access to ALL the materials and coursework included inside The Start. That means when we make program updates and add new bonus materials, you get those too!
Join Today!
- Lifetime Access to All 6 Weeks of Content
- Three (3) Live Coaching Calls With Sara and Support Coach Erin
- Daily 5-10 Minute Training Videos
- The Complete START Framework
- BONUS Priority Access on Sara’s Referral List for 3 Months
- BONUS Sara’s VA Training Bank With 12 Skill Classes
- BONUS Mon-Fri Email Access to Support Coach Erin
- Plus Templates, Bonuses, & Resources to Get Your Business Built From the Ground Up
One Payment
($1997 Total)
Six Payments
($2190 Total)
Twelve Payments
($2220 Total)