I love how The Start was straight forward, informative, and relatable. Sara is a wonderful teacher who took us through a process that really allowed me to hone in on my skills and create offerings that feel authentic to me. The Start did a wonderful job showing me how to tailor my business to work for ME! It was so eye opening to learn more about the online business space and how it doesn’t matter what “skills you have now” because those can always be learned.
Since completing the program, I have signed my FIRST client. I love that Sara offers the matchmaking service to her students. It makes such a HUGE difference when first starting out!
I also created an informative 1-pager that includes all my offers! This allowed me to get on my feet ASAP without building a website first.
I tend to live in this “it must be perfect” world and taking this course has allowed me to find perfection in the imperfect. My business is unique to me and there is no “copy paste” solution if I want to ensure my business works for my lifestyle.