From 0 clients to a roster full of DREAM clients in 4 short months

I was on a client call the other week with a client who completely booked out her roster (with DREAM clients, btw) within 4 short months of opening the doors to her business. Soooo, how’d she do it? It takes, intention, introspection and flat-out WERK to get a roster full of dream clients who leave you loving the work you do, the people you serve and the income you make. And the very FIRST thing you need to do to get to this place yourself is probably going to surprise you. Because while I’m normally helping my clients make things less about them (and more about the client and the client support experience), if you REALLY want a roster full of dream clients, then you have to start with YOU. 4 ways to book out your biz with a roster full of dream clients 1. Get crystal clear on what you want. You have to get super clear about what you want BEFORE you say yes to any more clients. After all, a dream client for you is different than a dream client for me is different than a dream client for Sally Sue, right? You need to be crystal
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4 mistakes that will stunt your growth as a VA, OBM or SMM

When you’ve set a goal to make more money or scale your done-for-you biz, it’s natural to look at strategies that will help you get more clients or bring on more team members. However, before you consider adding anything to your business, you need to make sure your foundation is operating at full capacity. Meaning, you need to make sure you’re not falling prey to these 4 (seemingly small but actually very large) mistakes that will hold back your done-for-you biz. These are 4 things I see keeping VAs, OBMs and SMMs stuck. If you want more balance in your biz, more ease while you scale and more fun in your day-to-day, then be sure you’re not making these 4 mistakes! 1. You don’t track and bill ALL your working time. Y’all, I can’t even tell you the number of times I’ve been on a discovery call with a potential client and they either don’t know how many hours it takes to deliver a service package or they don’t know how many hours they work for each client each month. Here’s why this is a problem that can massively stunt the growth of your biz. If you don’t have the
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3 Steps to Happier Clients + Better Boundaries

I don’t know a single business owner who hasn’t experienced boundary issues with their clients. You know what I’m talking about, right? You have boundary issues if you’ve experienced any of the following: Clients texting you non-stop Clients emailing you over the weekend expecting work to be done ASAP Clients expecting response times that you aren’t able to or don’t want to provide Clients asking for more revisions than you’ve agreed to Clients not paying their invoices on time Clients arguing over your invoices Constant and consistent frustration in your relationships with your clients The feeling of always being on edge with your clients The feeling that you have 0 balance in your business and life Any of this sound familiar? If the answer is yes, the first thing I want you to know is that you’re not alone! I experienced this in my businesses back when I was doing VA + OBM work, I support my clients with these issues often and honestly, it’s also a bit of a rite of passage as an entrepreneur. Once you experience them you know it’s time to fix them, and that’s a good thing! So here’s something really important to remember: boundary
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