If you're like most women I have the honor of supporting, you have (or want) an online business because you need a career that works better for your life. Yes money is important, but freedom and flexibility are just as if not MORE important. So that's why my approach to online business is different. Because if the goal is to create a business that truly works for your life, then we have to consider your life in our business planning.…
3 Surprising Things You Don’t Need to Start a Business and Get Clients
One of the most attractive things about starting a virtual support business is that unlike almost every other career, job or business - you really don’t need much to get off the ground and sign paying clients quickly. If you want to launch a Virtual Assistant business, the barrier to entry is low to nonexistent. But there are a few things that many people think they need before they can be a legit business owner. Here are three things you…
3 Sales Tips That Work Like a Charm for Virtual Support Providers
Let’s cut to the chase - what makes these sales tips I’m about to share with you work SO well?! They are potential client-focused versus YOU-focused. I see people miss the mark on this with their sales process all of the time. When you make it all about you, your services, your prices, what you can offer, you’ve completely forgotten that selling needs to be about the CLIENT. And when you’re client-focused, sales are sooo much easier! People want to…
My Best Tips to Becoming a Content-Writing Queen
Content creation is the achilles heel of online businesses. It’s the biggest thing most of my newer 1:1 clients and many of our START students get stuck on. Can you relate? Here’s the thing. You HAVE to write content consistently to market yourself, and in order to make that content work FOR you, it has to be meaningful to the people reading it. And I know how powerful baller-value content has been for my own business and my clients’…
How to sign your first or next client as a VA or OBM
Aside from how to start an online business, the second most common question I get is, “How the heck do I find paying clients?!” What most people focus on doing to sign clients (that doesn’t work): Creating a logo Launching a website Re-writing their website copy 84285708 times. Why do we do this?! The tasks that REALLY help you sign clients are not the easy or safe ones. They’re the ones that work, yet people still avoid them because they’re…
3 Steps to Find Dream Clients
One of the BEST things about running an online done-for-you business is that if you’re good at what you do, you keep your clients for a looooooong time. Unlike most other online businesses (like coaching, ecommerce, course creation) where clients are served for a finite amount of time, your business model is set up so that, if you’re both happy in the working relationship, you can stay in it infinitely. This is the best news ever because it means…
3 tips to growing your audience as a VA or OBM
You made the big, bold move and started your online business. Yay, you! Now, you know you have to have some sort of content marketing strategy for posting on social media. So you put something together and start posting to Instagram...and the engagement or results aren’t as quick as you’d like. This makes you second guess and change your strategy every other week and copy what every other Virtual Assistant or Online Business Manager is doing. Or, you stop…
3 Missing Pieces in Your Online Marketing Plan
If you’re wanting to increase revenue, sign more clients, or launch more services, it’s time to take a look at your existing marketing plan and potentially shift some of your strategies to be in alignment with your goals. As James Wedmore says, “What got you here won’t get you there.” If you want different results, you need to do different things! Let’s take a look at what the missing elements in your marketing plan might be, and how to make…
4 Foolproof Ways to Get Results in Your Virtual Assistant or Online Business Manager Business
Here’s the truth: I don’t know of any business owner who is doing the things I’m going to talk about below and isn’t getting huge results. And every time I work with a client who isn’t getting results, we can 100% tie it to one of these key components missing in their strategy: 1. MARKET YOUR BUSINESS If you’re reading this and want to sign clients...START MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS CONSISTENTLY RIGHT NOW! This looks different for every business owner…
The 2 biggest things every Virtual Assistant should know
Whether you want to start a VA or OBM business, or scale an existing done-for-you biz with a new product or offering, there are two things you need to know that are crucial to your success at every level. Not only will knowing these two things shorten your path to clients, consistent cash months, and a sustainable, booked-out biz, but these short ‘n sweet tidbits will ALSO help you enjoy the ride along the way. I know you’re here for…
Industry Changes Every Virtual Support Provider Needs to Know
Things are changing for virtual support providers this year. Whether you call yourself a Virtual Assistant, Online Business Manager, Social Media Manager, Pinterest Manager, Graphic Designer, Web Designer or something else, if you provide virtual support to online entrepreneurs then these four changes I’m sharing with you below are things you NEED to know about. Because if you can adapt with the changing marketplace, then you can set yourself up for continued success moving forward (or even set yourself up…
From 0 clients to a roster full of DREAM clients in 4 short months
I was on a client call the other week with a client who completely booked out her roster (with DREAM clients, btw) within 4 short months of opening the doors to her business. Soooo, how’d she do it? It takes, intention, introspection and flat-out WERK to get a roster full of dream clients who leave you loving the work you do, the people you serve and the income you make. And the very FIRST thing you need to do to…